
kscript docs

Welcome to the kscript docs, available online at This document was compiled on 2021-02-26

kscript is a dynamic programming language with expressive syntax, cross-platform support, and a rich standard library. kscript was designed to be a tool useful in many different circumstances – as a computer calculator, as a task-automation language, GUI development language, numerical programming language, and more.

What is kscript?

kscript is a dynamic programming language with expressive syntax, cross platform support, and a rich standard library. Its primary aim is to allow developers to write platform agnostic programs that can run anywhere, and require little or no platform- or os- specific code.

You're currently reading the docs, which is a formal specification of the language, builtins, standard library, and semantics.

Why is kscript?
kscript was designed to be a tool useful in many different circumstances – as a computer calculator, as a task-automation language, GUI development language, numerical programming language, and more. A few languages may come to mind – namely Python, tcl, and so forth.

I found that I had issues with some choices the Python team made. Syntactically, I dislike required/syntactically-significant whitespace, and dislike Python’s overuse of :. . I feel that many Python modules (for example, the operating system module) do not give the best interface to their functionality, and often require the programmer to use platform-specific code. I’d like to conclude this paragraph with a redeeming note – Python has been very successful and I largely do enjoy the language (even though I have my complaints), and even borrow the great ideas Python has had.

Who is kscript?
kscript is developed by free software enthusiasts, under the organization ChemicalDevelopment. Feel free to contact current authors with questions, comments, or concerns at any time:

1. Philosophy

This section contains the design philosophy of kscript. kscript is meant to be very close to psuedocode, which makes reading and writing quite easy (for humans).

1.1. Octalogue

These are the pillars of kscript, which the kscript standard library and all other kscript code should try to adhere to.

0. Thou Shalt Have No Languages Before KSCRIPT
When writing a package, or any code in kscript, do not prioritize other languages. Just because you are wrapping a C library does not mean other developers which use your code should feel like they're writing C code.

Any abstractions should be and should encourage well written and conventional kscript code; anything else adds to the mental strain present in that language to the already-existing mental strain of solving whatever problem they are using your code for, so don't make it harder on them.

1. Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of KSCRIPT In Vain
Don't use kscript to do bad things to people; kscript has no place being used for racist, mysogynistic, anti-LGBT+, or any other evil purposes. This should be a bare minimum of anyone doing anything

2. Thou Shalt Share

kscript was founded and written using the principles of free software, and we ask that you do the same for others as well. That way, everyone wins.

It is well known that free and open source software is more secure, encourages contributions, and is more robust. There is typically little benefit to restricting access to source code nowadays, as it doesn't even make sense financially (it makes more sense to monetize products in other ways). Regardless, we still take a stand that free and open source software is better.

3. Honour They Fauther And Thy Mother (Technology)
While kscript may seek to solve problems created by languages and technologies that came before it, we must also realize that a great deal of work has been do

ne in these technologies. It would be foolish to ignore the lessons learned, and block ourselves out from the established programming languages, libraries, an

d operating systems.

Therefore, kscript developers, package developers, and users should make code work and be interoperable, when possible, with other technology solutions.

4. Thou Shalt Not Write Incorrect Code
Writing code which does not work, or does not work reliably (depending on an implementation is the same as depending on the wind -- don't do it!) is a mortal sin in kscript. kscript should give you the tools to make everything cross-platform and generic. If it doesn't, then it's a problem with kscript and you should contact the developers immediately. Otherwise, it's on you!

Writing OS-specific code is incorrect cases (in most cases)

Writing code which requires quirks of a specific architecture is incorrect code (in most cases)

5. Thou Shalt Not Write Confusing Code
The highest function of code is to solve problems. Although you may complete a task with small, undocumented, and poorly written code, you create more problems than you solve. By assuming things about input to a function (for example), you may simplify your task, but the number of problems does not go down; quite the opposite in fact.

When writing code, you should be good to yourself, as well as those who will end up using your code. This involves giving classes, modules, functions, and even variables accurate names.

This also includes formatting your code (possibly with an IDE or linter). Whereas some languages beat their users down with a stick named 'relevant whitespace', kscript believes that developers are not children, although they may do childish things. By all accounts, you SHOULD indent your code regularly, with consistent use of either spaces or tabs (preferably 4 spaces). But kscript isn't going to stop you from doing otherwise.

6. Thou Shalt Not Repeat Thyself
Your code should never repeat itself. Your code should adhere to the DRY principle.

This includes at a micro level:

if A {
    B = 2 * 3
    C = A + B
} else {
    B = 2 * 3
    C = other / B

B = 2 * 3
if A {
    C = A + B
} else {
    C = other / B

As well as at a macro level; The following code should never be written:

func my_min(*args) {
    if !args, ret 0
    _m = args[0]
    for i in args[1:] {
        if i < _m, _m = i
    ret i

This algorithm has already been implemented as the built-in function min. Therefore, in kscript, we program according to the acronym DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), but also add another: STPO (Solve The Problem Once). The idea is that macro-problems (such as: 'how to compute the minimum element in a collection?', 'what is the best way to have a logging library?', 'what is the best way to store large arrays?', etc.) should not be solved over-and-over (unless, of course, a better solution becomes apparant), but rather, solved once so that solution may be re-used by everyone.

The goal is not to have many implementations to choose from, but rather to have one implementation that is a clear choice (i.e. that you would be a fool to NOT choose it).

7. Thou Shalt Apply Judgement
All of these rules are just suggestions (albeit strong, and well reasoned ones). There is, inevitably, some use case that comes along that requires the breaking of these sacred pacts.

People that have strong beliefs are often hypocritical. Just refer to C1, and don't be as bad as those links.

1.2. Patterns

Patterns in kscript refer to sets of magic attributes and/or methods that objects are expected to have in order to fulfill a certain purpose. Objects that have those attributes and/or methods are said to "fit" a given pattern, and can be used like other objects that fit that pattern -- this is the basis of all duck-typed programming languages.

Patterns are a similar concept to what are called interfaces or contracts in other language, but in practice are much more dynamic, as the developer doesn't need to specify the pattern that the object fits. You can think of interfaces/contracts as a more formal specification, whereas patterns are dynamic and only require that a given attribute/method is available when a function expects it to be. If the attribute/method is unavailable, the function processing it will likely throw an error explaining that it does not have the expected attribute and/or method.

Although the type does not matter for a pattern (objects of any type may fit a pattern), many patterns will have an abstract base type which other types are subtypes of. This is primarily done to simplify code and reduce redundancy (i.e. if all subtypes re-implemented the pattern handling code, then there would be code bloat and duplication). However, this is not required and is only done to simplify the implementation in most cases (or, for some sense of type-hierarchy purity).

Some examples of patterns in the standard library are:

1.3. Magic Attributes

Magic attributes are the name we use to describe how the standard library (or external packages) inspect objects to determine how to use them for a particular purpose.

For example, when int(x) is called, and x is an unfamiliar type (for example, a custom type), how does kscript know how to convert it to an integer? Well, for converting to integers, there is a well established magic attribute called __int, which is searched for on x (for example, x.__int() is attempted). If that does not work, there is a secondary magic attributed called __integral, which is then searched (x.__integral() is attempted). If both of those fail, then a TypeError is thrown with a message explaining that x could not be converted to an int. However, if one of those did succeed, then its return value is expected to be an integer, and kscript can use it as the return value.

The above was just an example, but it shows how specially named attributes allow for different libraries and programs to communicate and translate objects into known quantities for processing. This section contains examples and commonly used magic attributes that you can use in your own code to write easier-to-use libraries and programs.


Used for direct conversion to int. Should return an int. Also see __integral

Used for integral value conversion. Sshould return an int. Also see __int
Used for conversion to bool, Should return a bool
Used for direct conversion to bytes. Should return a bytes
Used for direct conversion to str. Should return a str
Used for string representation (for example, the repr function). Should return an str
Used for computing a hash of an object. Should return an int
Used for computing the length of a container, which is typically the number of elements. Should return an int

1.4. Operator Overloading

There are a number of operators in kscript that can be used on builtin types and types in the standard library. However, you can also use them with custom types, which is covered in this section. Defining semantics for operators is called operator overloading.

Operator overloading in kscript is done via magic attributes. Specifically, there are a few different cases:

The magic attributes for various operators are listed below

Unary operators:

Binary operators:

Here's a short example showing how to overload the + operator:

# Example class which wraps a value (.val)
type Foo {
    func __init(self, val) {
        self.val = val

    # Adds two 'Foo' objects (or any objects with a '.val')
    func __add(L, R) {
        # Create a new 'Foo' object with the added values
        ret Foo(L.val + R.val)

# Create two objects
A = Foo(1)
B = Foo(2)

# Prints '3'
print ((A + B).val)

1.5. Templates

Templates are a way to create subtypes of a given type based on parameters (called "template parameters"). This is done by subscripting an existing type with []. Some examples of templates in the standard library are:

2. Builtins

Builtins in kscript are the types, functions, and values that are available in the global namespace and thus available everywhere without the use of import statements. They are the most fundamental objects in kscript and are used most frequently, and so they are also made easiest to remember and type. Although kscript is duck-typed, using the builtin types is often recommended, as they have good performance and easy-to-use APIs.

Since kscript is a purely object-oriented language, everything in kscript is an instance of the object type, either directly or indirectly. This means that even types are objects, and can be treated generically as such. So can functions. This is in steep contrast to more static programming languages like C, C++, Rust, and so forth, which allow some limited compile time reflection, but little to no runtime inspection of types. kscript, however, is completely dynamic and allows things that other programming languages just can't offer. Here are a few examples:

2.1. Types


The most generic type, which is the common type that all other types are derived from. The code isinst(x, object) always returns true, no matter what object x refers to.

Objects can be created via the constructor, object(), which returns a blank objects that has writeable and readable attributes

This type is what other types are an instance of. type is also an instance of type.

Unlike most other types, the code type(x) does not created a new type; rather, it returns the type of x

This type is the abstract base type of all other builtin numeric types (int, bool, float, complex).

By default, number() will return the integer 0. You can pass it any numeric type and it will return one of the builtin numeric types (or throw an error if there was a problem). You can also call it with a string, and it will parse the string and return a builtin numeric type.

This type also defines and implements stubs for the "number pattern", which dictates how numeric types should behave. Specifically, an object obj is said to follow the number pattern if at least one of the following magic attributes holds:

  • If obj.__integral() exists, obj is assumed to be an integer, and this method should return an int with an equivalent numerical value
  • If obj.__float() exists, obj is assumed to be a real floating point number, and this method should return a float with an equivalent numerical value
  • If obj.__complex() exists, obj is assumed to be a complex floating point number, and this method should return a complex with an equivalent numerical value

Operations between numbers use type coercion, with the following rules (unless otherwise stated):

  • If all operands are integers, then an integer result is returned
  • If all operands are either integers or real floating point numbers, then a real floating point result is returned
  • If none of the above are applicable, then at least one operand must be a complex floating point number, and a complex floating point result is returned

int(obj=0, base=none)
This type describes integers (i.e. whole numbers). This type is a subtype of number, and subscribes to the number pattern. You can create integers with integer literals, or through using this type as a constructor. If obj is a string, then base can also be given, which is an integer describing the base format that the string is in.

See: Integer Literal for creating literals

Some languages (C, C++, Java, and so forth) have sized integer types which are limited to machine precisions (see: here). For example, a 32 bit unsigned integer may only represent the values from $0$ to $2^{32}-1$. However, in kscript, all integers are of arbitrary precision – which means they may store whatever values can fit in the main memory of your computer (which is an extremely large limit on modern computers, and you are unlikely to hit that limit in any practical application).

This type describes booleans. There are two boolean values, true and false. Sometimes, these are referred to as 0/1, on/off, or even yes/no. true and false are keywords which result in these values.

You can convert an object to a boolean (its "truthiness", or "truth" value) via this type as a function. For example, bool(x) turns x into its truthiness value, or, equivalently, x as bool. Typically, types that have custom truthiness logic work as expected -- numbers convert to true if they are non-zero, containers convert to true if they are non-empty, and so on. In general, if bool(x) == true, then x is non-empty, non-zero, and/or valid. Otherwise, it is empty, zero, or perhaps invalid. Specific types may overload it in a way that makes sense for them, so always beware of types that override this functionality.

This conversion to bool is dictated by the __bool magic attribute.


>>> bool()
>>> bool(false)
>>> bool(true)
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(1)
>>> bool(255)
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('AnyText')

float(obj=0.0, base=none)
This type describes floating point numbers. This type is a subtype of number, and subscribes to the number pattern. You can create floats with float literals, or through using this type as a constructor. If obj is a string, then base can also be given, which is an integer describing the base format that the string is in.

See: Float Literal for creating literals

In addition to real numbers, this type can also represent infinity (positive and negative) (via inf and -inf), as well as not-a-number (via nan) values.

The difference between 1.0 and the next largest number

>>> float.EPS

The minimum positive value representable as a float

>>> float.MIN

The maximum positive (finite) value representable as a float

>>> float.MAX

The number of significant digits that can be stored in a float

>>> float.DIG

This type describes a complex number with a real and imaginary components (which can take on any float values). You can access those elements via the .re and .im attributes, which will result in float objects.

See: Complex Literal for creating literals

Real component of a complex number, as a float

>>> (2 + 3i).re
>>> (3i).re
>>> (2 + 0i).re

Imaginary component of a complex number, as a float

>>> (2 + 3i).im
>>> (3i).im
>>> (2 + 0i).im

This type describes a string, which is a sequence of 0-or-more Unicode characters. It is the basic unit of textual information in kscript, and can store any Unicode sequence. All operations are in terms of characters (also called codepoints), and not neccessarily bytes.

Some languages have a different type for a single character and a string. However, in kscript, a character is simply a string of length 1. And, the empty string is the string of length 0. Additionally, strings are immutable (which means they cannot be changed). For example, x[0] = 'c' will throw an error in kscript. Instead, you should use slicing and re-assign to the same name: x = 'c' + x[1:].

You can create a string via calling this type as a function with an argument (default: empty string). For non-str objects, conversion depends on the __str magic attribute, which is expected to return a str.

See String Literal for creating literals.

Internally, kscript uses UTF-8 to store the textual information.

Strings can be added together with the + operator, which concatenates their contents. For example, 'abc' + 'def' == 'abcdef'

Computes an all-upper-case version of self
Computes an all-lower-case version of self
Computes whether all characters in self are space characters
Computes whether all characters in self are printable characters
Computes whether all characters in self are alphabetical characters
Computes whether all characters in self are numeric characters
Computes whether all characters in self are alphanumeric
Computes whether self is a valid kscript identifier
str.startswith(self, obj)
Computes whether self starts with obj (which may be a string, or a tuple of strings)
str.endswith(self, obj)
Computes whether self ends with obj (which may be a string, or a tuple of strings)
str.join(self, objs)
Computes a string with self in between every element of objs (converted to strings)
str.split(self, by)
Returns a list of strings created when splitting self by by (which may be a string of tuple of seperators)
str.index(self, sub, start=none, end=none)
Find a substring within self[self:end], or throw an error if it was not found
str.find(self, sub, start=none, end=none)
Find a substring within self[self:end], or return -1 if it was not found
str.replace(self, sub, by)
Returns a string with instances of sub replaced with by
Trims the beginning and end of self of spaces, and returns what is left

This type represents a bytestring, which is similar to str. The main difference being that str is a sequence of Unicode characters, whereas bytes is a sequence of bytes -- which may or may not be textual data.

You can create a bytestring by calling this type as a function with an argument (default: empty bytestring). For non-bytes objects, conversion depends on the __bytes magic attribute. Commonly, calling bytes(x) where x is a str will result in the UTF-8 bytes of that string.

This type represents a regular expression (regex). Objects of this type can be used to search through text, or even tokenize streams (see gram.Lexer).

Although in some languages or libraries, the term "regex" refers to extended regular expressions (containing backreferences, recursive patterns, and so forth), the kscript regex type is a true regex in that it describes exactly the regular languages. Though restrictive, it ensures that the implementation can be fast and efficient, and so that generative code and inspection of regex patterns is viable.

See Regex Literal for creating literals.

kscript allows you to inspect regular expressions, via the util.Graph type

regex.exact(self, src)
Compute a boolean describing whether the string src matches the regex self exactly
regex.matches(self, src)
Compute a boolean describing whether the string src matches the regex self anywhere

This type represents as list (sometimes called an array in other languages), are collections of elements that can be mutated (i.e. changed).

Lists can be created by either calling the constructor (list(objs)), or via list literals.

list.push(self, *args)
Pushes all of args to the list
list.pop(self, num=none)
This function behaves differently based on whether num is given

  • If num is not given, then a single object is removed from the end and returned
  • If num is given, then an iterable of length num is returned and the last num elements are removed from the list

list.index(self, obj)
Returns the (first) index of obj within self, throwing an Error if obj was not in self
list.sort(self, cmpfunc=none, keys=none)
Sorts the list, in place, according to cmpfunc applied to keys. If cmpfunc is given, it is expected to be of the signature: cmpfunc(L, R) giving L <= R. And, if keys is given it is expected to be an iterable which are used for the corresponding inputs in the list

This type represents an immutable collection, similar to list, which is indexed by position.

Tuples can be created by either calling the constructor (tuple(objs)), or via tuple literals.

This type represents a mutable collection of unique (by hash and equality) objects, ordered by first insertion order. This type is similar to dict, but has no values associated with each key.

If you try and add an object to a set that already contains an equivalent object, nothing is changed.

Sets can be created by either calling the constructor (set(objs)), or via set literals.

This type represents a mutable mapped collection of keys and values, with unique (by hash and equality) keys. It is implemented using a hash table, and is sometimes referred to as a hash table, dictionary, key-value store, or associative array.

This type is similar to the set type, but each element has an associated value.

Dictionaries can be created by either calling the constructor (dict(objs)), or via dict literals.

Objects of this type have their contents ordered by first unique key insertion, which is reset when a key is deleted from a dictionary. So, setting the value of a new key means it is the last entry in the dictionary, and setting the value of an already existing key does not change the order of the dictionary.

You can subscript a dictionary like x[key] to retreive the value for a given key (or throw a KeyError if key is not present in x), and you can assign to a dictionary like x[key] = val

>>> x = {"Good": 1, "Neutral": 0, "Bad": -1}
{'Good': 1, 'Neutral': 0, 'Bad': -1}
>>> len(x)
>>> x['Good']
>>> x['Other']
KeyError: 'Other'
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<inter-5>' (line 1, col 1):
In <thread 'main'>

2.2. Functions


Prints all of args to the standard output (os.stdout), by converting each one to a string, and adding a space between each argument. After all elements are printed, a newline is also printed.

For finer grained control of output format see the printf function

printf(fmt, *args)
Prints all of args, formatted with fmt. No newline or spaces are added between arguments or after all of them.

The format string, fmt, is expected to be made up of format specifiers and normal printable text. A format specifier is started with the character % (percent sign), and followed by fields, which control how the object is converted. Finally, each format specifier ends with a single character denoting the type. Text in between format specifiers is output verbatim without modification

Flags are optional characters that change the formatting for a specifier. All flags for a format specifier should be placed immediately after the %. Although different types may treat flags differently, generally their behavior is:

  • + causes the sign of numeric outputs to always be included (so, even positive numbers will have their sign before the digits)
  • - causes the output to be left-aligned instead of right-aligned
  • 0 causes the output of right-aligned numbers to contain leading 0s instead of spaces

After flags, there is an optional width field which can be an integer (for example, %10s has a width of 10), or a *, which takes the next object from args, treats it like an integer, and treats that as the width (dynamic width).

After width, there is an optional precision field which can be a . followed by an integer (for example %.10s has a precision of 10), or .*, which takes the next object from args, treats it like an integer, and treats that as the precision (dynamic precision).

Finally, there is the single-character format specifier which tells the type of output. Below are a table of specifiers:

A literal % is added, and no more objects from the arguments are consumed
%i, %d
The next object from args is consumed, interpreted as an integer, and the base-10 digits are added
The next object from args is consumed, interpreted as an integer, and the base-2 digits are added
The next object from args is consumed, interpreted as an integer, and the base-8 digits are added
The next object from args is consumed, interpreted as an integer, and the base-16 digits are added
The next object from args is consumed, interpreted as a floating point number, and the base-10 digits are added


>>> printf('|%i|', 123)      # Direct translation
>>> printf('|%5i|', 123)     # Pads to size 5
|123  |
>>> printf('|%+5i|', 123)    # Pads to size 5, and always includes sign
|+123 |
>>> printf('|%-5i|', 123)    # Pads to size 5, and is left-aligned
|  123|
>>> printf('|%-+5i|', 123)   # Pads to size 5, and always includes sign, and is left-aligned
| +123|
>>> printf('|%05i|', 123)    # Pads to size 5, and includes leading zeros
>>> printf('|%0*i|', 5, 123) # Equivalent, but takes the width argument before the value it prints

For formatted output on arbitrary IO objects, see the io.BaseIO.printf function.

Converts a character (chr), which should be a length-1 string, into its Unicode codepoint and return it as an integer


>>> ord('a')
>>> ord('b')

This function is the inverse of chr

Converts an ordinal (ord), which is an integer, into a character. Assumes ord is the integer codepoint in Unicode.


>>> chr(0x61)
>>> chr(0x62)

This function is the inverse of ord

issub(tp, of)
Calculates whether tp is a subtype (or is the same type) as of, which should be either a type, or a tuple of types.


>>> issub(int, object)
>>> issub(int, number)
>>> issub(number, int)

See also: isinst

isinst(obj, of)

Calculates whether obj is an instance of of or a derived type. of can be a type or a tuple of types. Equivalent to issub(type(obj), of).


>>> isinst(1, object)
>>> isinst(1, number)
>>> isinst(1, float)

See also: issub


Converts an object (obj) into a string representation, which delegates to type(obj).__repr(obj) (see __repr), and must result in a string.

In general, this function returns a string of kscript code which will result in obj if executed. For example: repr(1) == '1', repr('abc') == '\'abc\'', and repr([1, 2, 3]) == '[1, 2, 3]'. Although, this is not always possible. For example, repr(object()) == '<\'object\' @ 0x564460528DD0>'. For many types, it is equivalent to converting to a str, with the notable exception of str objects themselves -- which add ' and escape sequences.


>>> repr(1)
>>> repr("abc")
>>> repr([1, 2, 3])
'[1, 2, 3]'

Return a string beginning with 0b and containing the base-2 digits of obj (which should be an integer)

Return a string beginning with 0o and containing the base-8 digits of obj (which should be an integer)
Return a string beginning with 0x and containing the base-16 digits of obj (which should be an integer)
Computes the absolute value of an object, which delegates to type(obj).__abs(obj) (see __abs).

For numeric types, it returns the expected values

For os.path objects, it returns the real absolute path


>>> abs(0)
>>> abs(1.0)
>>> abs(-1.0)
>>> abs(1 + 2i)

Computes the hash of an object, which delegates to type(obj).__hash(obj) (see __hash), and must be an integral value.

Most immutable builtin types (including numeric types, tuple, str, and bytes) provide a hashing function. And by default, new types created hash to their id. However, mutable collection types (such as list, set, and dict) are not hashable and will throw an error when they are attempted to be hashed.


>>> hash(1)
>>> hash("abc")
>>> hash((1, 2, 3))
>>> hash([1, 2, 3])
TypeError: 'list' object is not hashable
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
hash([1, 2, 3])
  #1: In hash(obj) [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>
>>> hash([1, 2, 3] as tuple) # Must wrap as a tuple

Computes the length of an object, which delegates to type(obj).__len(obj) (see __len), and must be an integral value

For builtin container types (list, tuple, dict, and so on), it returns the number of elements


>>> len([])
>>> len([1, 2, 3])
>>> len("abcd")

Converts an object (obj) into its unique ID, which is an integer that is guaranteed to not be equivalent to any two currently living objects.

Most of the time, this is the memory address of the object

open(src, mode='r')
Opens a file on disk an returns an io.FileIO object representing the open connection. Throws an error if src could not be opened.

If mode is given (default: read text), then it should be one of the following:

  • r: Read text (the file must exist)
  • rb: Read bytes (the file must exist)
  • r+: Read and write text (the file must exist)
  • rb+ or r+b: Read and write bytes (the file must exist)
  • w: Write text (the file is cleared)
  • wb: Read bytes (the file is cleared)
  • w+: Read and write text (the file is cleared)
  • wb+ or w+b: Read and write bytes (the file is cleared)
  • a: Read and write text (the file is appended to)
  • ab: Read bytes (the file is appended to)
  • a+: Read and write text (the file is appended to)
  • ab+ or a+b: Read and write bytes (the file is appended to))

Prints an (optional) prompt, and then return the next line of user input
Exits the program with an exit code (default: success)
Converts obj into an iterable, via the __iter attribute. If type(obj).__next already exists, obj is returned (as it is already an iterable)
Returns the next object in an iterable (which may be created via iter()). Uses the __next attribute.

If obj was not an iterable, it is first converted to an iterable, and then the __next attribute is searched on the iterable. For example, next([1, 2, 3]) returns 1

2.3. Exceptions

Exception/Errors can be thrown via the throw statement and caught via the try statement. Anything thrown must be an instance (either directly or indirectly) of the Exception type.

Exceptions are more general than errors; errors indicate that something has gone wrong, whereas exceptions can be used to disrupt control flow (see OutOfIterException). Therefore, in try/catch sometimes it is recommended to only catch Error objects, and allow exceptions to pass upwards.


This is the base type of all other exceptions. Only objects which are a subtype of Exception may be thrown via the throw statement (and thus caught via the try/catch construct). Unlike most patterns in kscript (see Patterns), exception throwing requires the type of the object being thrown to be a derived type of this, instead of simply having magic attributes.

A string object that contains an explanation of the exception

This error is thrown whenever an iterable runs out of elements. For example, when next is called but no more elements are left

Exceptions of this type are automatically caught by for loops, which tell the loop to stop running

This is a subtype of Exception

Generic error which means something bad happened and the operation could not be completed. Generally, Exception types can be used to alter control flow and not neccessarily signal an error (for example, OutOfIterException being used by for loops). However, this type and its subtypes are used to indicate such an error that should cause a program to halt (unless caught)

This is a subtype of Exception

Errors of this type are thrown when something internally isn't working. Sometimes, it may signal a bug in kscript (such as an unexpected status, unexpected configuration, etc), or it may signal a C library returned something it promised not to.

In any case, these errors are hard to correct for, and when one is thrown, the status of the interpreter itself and objects that were mutated cannot be guaranteed to be predictable

Errors of this type are generally thrown at parsing time when a program is invalid, which could mean a number of things (unexpected tokens, invalid constructs, invalid characters, and so forth). Generally they have a descriptive message and highlight the offending part of the code, for easy debugging.


# Some of this code is invalid...
>>> for }
SyntaxError: Unexpected token
for }
@ Line 1, Col 5 in '<expr>'
Call Stack:
In <thread 'main'>
>>> 2def
SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected ';', newline, or EOF after
@ Line 1, Col 2 in '<expr>'
Call Stack:
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are generally thrown when importing a module fails, for whatever reason, including: missing dependencies, no such module, and error during initialization.


>>> import asdf
ImportError: Failed to import 'asdf'
>>> import crazy_name_that_doesnt_exist
ImportError: Failed to import 'crazy_name_that_doesnt_exist'

Errors of this type are thrown when the type of an object doesn't match what is expected, or the type lacks an expected attribute (i.e. does not follow a pattern).


>>> int([])
TypeError: Could not convert 'list' object to 'int'

Errors of this type are thrown when a type is templated incorrectly, or an operation is forbidden by a template.


>>> object[]
TemplateError: 'object' cannot be templated

This type is a subtype of TypeError


Errors of this type are thrown when a variable/function/module name is used but has not been defined


>>> asdf
NameError: Unknown name: 'asdf'
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are thrown when any of the following things occur:

  • An attribute is requested on an object that doesn't have any such attribute
  • An attribute is read-only, but some code attempts to change it


>>> object().a
AttrError: 'object' object had no attribute 'asdf'
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are thrown when any of the following things occur:

  • A key to a container (for example, a dict) is not found when searched
  • A key to a container is invalid (for example, dict keys must be hash -able)


>>> x = { 'a': 1, 'b': 3 }
{ 'a': 1, 'b': 3 }
>>> x['c']
KeyError: 'c'
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<inter-2>' (line 1, col 1):
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are thrown when any of the following things occur:

  • A index to a sequence (for example, a list) is out of range


>>> x = ['a', 'b']
['a', 'b']
>>> x[3]
KeyError: Index out of range
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<inter-5>' (line 1, col 1):
In <thread 'main'>

This type is a subtype of the KeyError type


Errors of this type are thrown when a value provided does not match what is expected


>>> nan as int
ValError: Cannot convert 'nan' to int
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
nan as int
  #1: In int.__new(self, obj=none, base=10) [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are thrown when an assert statement has a falsey conditional


>>> assert false
AssertError: Assertion failed: 'false'
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<inter-0>' (line 1, col 1):
assert false
In <thread 'main'>

Errors of this type are thrown when a mathematical operation is given invalid or out of range operands


>>> 1 / 0
MathError: Division by 0
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
1 / 0
  #1: In number.__div(L, R) [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>
>>> import m
>>> m.sqrt(-1)
MathError: Invalid argument 'x', requirement 'x >= 0' failed
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
  #1: In m.sqrt(x) [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>
>>> m.sqrt(-1 + 0i)  # Make sure to pass a 'complex' in if you want complex output


Errors of this type are thrown when arguments to a function do not match the expected number, or type


>>> ord('a', 'b')
ArgError: Given extra arguments, only expected 1, but given 2
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
ord('a', 'b')
  #1: In ord(chr) [cfunc]

Errors of this type are thrown when arguments are of invalid sizes/shapes


Errors of this type are thrown when an error is reported by the OS, for example by setting errno in C

This is a templated type, which means there are subtypes based on the type of error expressed. The specific templated types are sometimes platform-specific, and we are currently working to standardize what we can.


>>> open("NonExistantFile.txt")
OSError[2]: Failed to open 'NonExistantFile.txt' (No such file or directory)
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
  #1: In open(src, mode='r') [cfunc]
  #2: In io.FileIO.__init(self, src, mode='r') [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>

3. Modules

This section documents the builtin modules in kscript, of which there are plenty! The general philosophy in kscript is to make APIs as cross-platform and backend-independent as possible. What that means is that standard types, functions, and modules put forth names and functionality that might not directly map to a particular existing library -- even if kscript uses that library internally to perform the functionality.

You can count on these modules being available in any kscript distribution, and having a reliable API. Unreliable/non-standard functions, types, and variables typically begin with an underscore (_), so be weary if using one of those functions, it might not be available everywhere!

A good example of this is the os module, which uses the C standard library to perform tasks, but the functions will have different and sometimes better suited names to what they actually do.

You can access modules by using the import statement. For example, import os will import the os module, and allow you to use os.<funcname>

3.1. os: Operating System

This module, os, allows code to interact with the operating system (OS) that the program is running on. For example, creating directories, gathering information about the filesystem, launching threads, launching processes, and accessing environment variables are all covered in this module.

Due to differences between operating systems that kscript can run on, some functionality may be different, or even missing on some platforms. We attempt to document known cases of functions behaving differently or when something is not supported. Typically, an error is thrown whenever something is not available on a particular platform.


List of commandline arguments passed to the program. Typically, os.argv[0] is the file that was ran, and os.argv[1:] are the arguments given afterward

A readable io.FileIO object representing the input to the program
A writeable io.FileIO object representing the output from the program
A writeable io.FileIO object representing the error output from the program
os.getenv(key, defa=none)
Gets an environment variable corresponding to key (which is expected to be a string)

In the case that key did not exist in the environment, this function's behavior depends on whether defa is given.

  • If defa is given, then it is returned
  • Otherwise, an OSError is thrown
os.setenv(key, val)
Sets an environment variable corresponding to key (which is expected to be a string) to val (which is also expected to be a string)

In the case that something went wrong (i.e. an invalid name, general OS error), an OSError is thrown

Get the current working directory of the process, as an os.path object

To retrieve it as a string, the code os.getcwd() as str can be used

To change the working directory, see the os.chdir function

Set the current working directory of the process to path. path is expected to be either a string or an os.path object

If path did not exist, or for some other reason the operation failed (i.e. permissions), an OSError is thrown

os.mkdir(path, mode=0o777, parents=false)
Creates a directory on the filesystem at path, with mode mode. Mode is expected to be a octal numerical notation of the file permission bits (default: allow everything for everybody)

If parents is truthy, then parents of path that do not exist are created recursively. If parents is false, then an error is raised when trying to create a directory within another directory that does not exist yet

os.rm(path, parents=false)
Removes a file or directory path from the filesystem

If path refers to a directory, then the behavior depends on parents:

  • If parents is truthy, then non-empty directories have their contents recursively deleted
  • Otherwise, path will only be removed if it is empty; otherwise this function will throw an OSError
Returns a tuple of (dirs, files) representing the directories and files within the directory path, respectively. Note that the elements within the lists dirs and files are string objects, and not os.path objects. The entries '.' and '..' are never included in dirs

If path is not a directory, this function throws an OSError

Returns a list of string paths matching path, which is a glob. Essentially, wildcard expands path to match anything fitting that pattern.
Queries information about the file or directory path on the filesystem. This is a type that can be used as a function to perform such a query

It has the following attributes:

Device ID, which is typically encoded as major/minor versions. This is OS-specific typically
The inode of the file or directory on disk as an integer
The group ID of the owner
The user ID of the owner
The size, in bytes, of the file
The mode of the file, represented as a bitmask integer
The time of last modification, in seconds-since-epoch, as a floating point number (see the time module)
The time of last access, in seconds-since-epoch, as a floating point number (see the time module)
The time of last status change, in seconds-since-epoch, as a floating point number (see the time module)

Queries information about the file or link or directory path on the filesystem. Equivalent to os.stat, except for the fact that this function does not follow symbolic links (and thus, if called with a symbolic link, queries information about the link itself, rather than the path that it points to). Returns an os.stat object

Queries information about an open file descriptor fd (which is expected to be an integer, or convertible to one). Returns an os.stat object


>>> os.fstat(os.stdin)
<os.stat ...>
>>> os.fstat(os.stdin.fileno) # os.stdin.fileno == os.stdin as int
<os.stat ...>

Creates a new pipe, and returns a tuple of (readio, writeio), which are the readable and writeable ends of the pipe, respectively. Both objects are of type io.RawIO
os.dup(fd, to=-1)
Duplicates an open file descriptor fd (which should be an integer, or convertible to one)

If to < 0, then this function creates a new file descriptor and returns the corresponding io.RawIO object. Otherwise, it replaces to with a copy of the source of fd

Executes cmd (which should either be a string, or a list of strings) as if it was typed into the system shell, and return the exit code as an integer

See os.proc type for more fine grain control of process spawning

Forks the current process, resulting in two processes running the code afterwards. This function returns 0 in the child process, and the PID (process ID) in the parent process (which should be an integer greater than 0)

This function is available on the following platforms:

  • linux
  • macos
  • unix
This function creates a lock which can be used to restrict access to certain data or code. This is a type which can be used as a function to create an instance

Each mutex starts out unlocked, and then can be locked (or attempted to lock via various functions)

Locks the mutex, waiting until any other threads which hold the lock to unlock it before it is acquired

If the same thread which is attempting to lock the mutex has already locked it, a "deadlock" may occur and your program may halt

Locks the mutex, if it can be locked instantly, otherwise do nothing. Returns whether it succesfully locked. The mutex should only be unlocked if this function returned true


>>> mut = os.mutex()
>>> if mut.trylock() {
...     # Acquired lock, do stuff...
...     mut.unlock() # Must unlock!
... } else {
...     # Failed to acquire lock, do other stuff...
...     # Do not unlock!
... }

Unlocks the mutex, waiting until any other threads which hold the lock to unlock it before it is acquired

os.thread(of, args=(), name=none)
Creates a new thread which runs the the function of with arguments args (default: no arguments), with the name name (default: auto-generate a name). This is a type which can be called like a function to create an instance

The thread starts out inactive, you must call .start() to actually begin executing

Starts executing the thread
Waits for a thread to finish executing, blocking until it does
Polls the thread, and returns a boolean indicating whether the thread is currently alive and executing

Creates a new process with the given arguments argv, which can be either a string, or a list of strings representing the arguments. This is a type which can be called to create an instance.

The process ID, as an integer
The standard input of the process, as either an io.RawIO or io.FileIO (depending on launch configuration). This is writeable, and can be used to send input to the process
The standard output of the process, as either an io.RawIO or io.FileIO (depending on launch configuration). This is readable, and can be used to read output from the process
The standard error output of the process, as either an io.RawIO or io.FileIO (depending on launch configuration). This is readable, and can be used to read error output from the process
Waits for the process to finish executing, and returns the exit code of the process as an integer
Polls the process and returns a boolean describing whether the process is still alive and running
os.proc.signal(self, code)
Sends an integer signal to the process
Attempts to kill the process by sending the 'KILL' signal (typically 9) to the process

os.path(path='.', root=none)
Creates a path object, which acts similarly to a string (i.e. can be passed to functions such as os.chdir, os.stat, and so on) but also can be manipulated at higher levels than a string, which makes it easier to traverse the filesystem, and makes for more readable code than interpreting os.stat results

A distinction should be made between absolute paths (i.e. those which unambiguously refer to a single file on disk) and relative paths (i.e. those which require a working directory to resolve completely). To convert a string or os.path object to its absolute path, you can use the os.real function. Or, the builtin abs function works on os.path objects.

Either none (for relative paths), or a string representing the start of an absolute path

Since some platforms (most Unix-like ones) use / as the root for the filesystem, and other platforms (such as Windows) use drive letters to denote absolute paths (C:\, D:\, etc), the .root may be any of those valid roots, depending on which platform you are on. On all platforms, relative paths have root==none


>>> os.path('/path/to/file.txt').root
>>> os.path('relative/path/to/file.txt').root

A tuple containing string parts of the path, which is implicitly seperated by directory seperators.


>>> os.path('/path/to/file.txt').parts
('path', 'to', 'file.txt')
>>> os.path('relative/path/to/file.txt').parts
('relative', 'path', 'to', 'file.txt')

3.2. io: Input/Output

The input/output module (io) provides functionality related to text and binary streams, and allows generic processing on streams from many sources.

Specifically, it provides file access (through io.FileIO), as well as in-memory stream-like objects for text (io.StringIO), as well as bytes (io.BytesIO). These types have similar interfaces such that they can be passed to functions and operated on generically. For example, you could write a text processor that iterates over lines in a file and performs a search (like grep), and then a caller could actually give a io.StringIO and the search method would work exactly the same. Similarly, it is often useful to build up a file by using io.BaseIO.write(), so that when outputting to a file, large temporary strings are not being built. However, sometimes you want to be able to build without creating a temporary file -- you can substitute an io.StringIO and then convert that to a string afterwards.


This type is an enum of whence values for various seek calls (see Their values are as follows:

Represents a reference point from the start of the stream
Represents a reference point from the current position in the stream
Represents a reference point from the end of the stream

io.fdopen(fd, mode='r', src=none)
Opens an integral file descriptor (fd) as a buffered IO (a io.FileIO object), with a readable name (src) (optional)
This type is an abstract type that defines the io pattern. The methods listed here can be used on all io-like objects (for example, io.FileIO, io.StringIO, and so on) and they should all behave according to this pattern and functionality. Therefore, the methods and attributes are only documented here.

You can iterate over io-pattern objects, which iterates through the lines (seperated by '\n' characters). For example, to iterate through lines of standard input (os.stdin), you can use:

for line in os.stdin {
    # do stuff with 'line'
}, sz=none)
Reads a message, of up to sz length (returns truncated result if sz was too large). If size is ommitted, the rest of the stream is read and returned as a single chunk

For text-based IOs, sz gives the number of characters to read. For binary-based IOs, sz gives the number of bytes to read.

io.BaseIO.write(self, msg)
Writes a message to an io

If msg does not match the expected type (str for text-based IOs, and bytes for binary-based IOs), and no conversion is found, then an IOError is thrown, pos, whence=io.Seek.SET)
Seek to a given position (pos) from a given reference point (see io.Seek)
Returns an integer describing the current position within the stream, from the start (i.e. 0 is the start of the stream)
io.BaseIO.trunc(self, sz=0)
Attempts to truncate a stream to a given size (default: truncate complete to empty)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the end-of-file (EOF) has been reached
Closes the IO and disables further reading/writing
io.BaseIO.printf(self, fmt, *args)
Print formatted text to self. Does not include a line break or spaces between arguments

See printf for documentation on fmt and arguments

io.RawIO(src, mode='r')
Represents an unbuffered io, which is from either a file on disk, or a simulated file (for example, such as the result from os.pipe()). The constructor creates one from a file on disk, and behaves similar to the open function

This is a subtype of io.BaseIO, and implements the pattern fully. Additionally, this type has the following attributes:

This attribute retrieves the file descriptor associated with the stream

io.FileIO(src, mode='r')
Represents buffered io, which is from either a file on disk, or a simulated file (for example, such as the result from os.pipe()). The constructor creates one from a file on disk, and is equivalent to the open function.

This is a subtype of io.BaseIO, and implements the pattern fully. Additionally, this type has the following attributes:

This attribute retrieves the file descriptor associated with the stream

For example, on most systems:

>>> os.stdin.fileno
>>> os.stdout.fileno
>>> os.stderr.fileno


Represents an io for textual information, being built in memory (i.e. not as a file on disk). It can be used in places where io.FileIO is typically used.

This is a subtype of io.BaseIO, and implements the pattern fully. Additionally, this type has the following methods:

Get the current contents as a str


Represents an io for byte-based information, being built in memory (i.e. not as a file on disk). It can be used in places where io.FileIO is typically used.

This is a subtype of io.BaseIO, and implements the pattern fully. Additionally, this type has the following methods:

Get the current contents as a bytes

3.3. net: Networking

The network module (net) provides functionality related to the world wide web, and other networks (i.e. LANs).

This type represents the type of family of address/connection/network

IPv4 style addresses.

Addresses for this type of socket are expected to be a [tuple](/builtins#tuple) containing (host, port), where host is a string hostname/IP, and port is an integer.

IPv6 style addresses.

Addresses for this type of socket are expected to be a [tuple](/builtins#tuple) containing (host, port, flow, scope), where host is a string hostname/IP, and port is an integer

TODO: This is not yet implemented

Bluetooth style addresses.

TODO: This is not yet implemented

This type represents the type of socket

Raw socket kind, which sends raw packets

TCP/IP socket kind, which goes through the TCP/IP network protocol

UDP socket kind, which goes through the UDP network protocol

Packet socket kind

This kind of socket is deprecated

Packet (sequential) socket kind

This type represents the type of protocol used in transmission

Automatic protocol (which is a safe default)

Bluetooth protocol

Bluetooth protocol

net.SocketIO(fk=net.FK.INET4, sk=net.SK.TCP, pk=net.PK.AUTO)
This type represents a network socket, which is an endpoint for sending/receiving data across a network. There are different types of sockets, but the most commons are the default arguments. You can manually specify the family, socket, and protocol used by supplying them, they should be members of the enums net.FK, net.SK, and net.PK respectively. The dfeault is IPv4, TCP/IP, and automatic protocol.

This is a subtype of io.BaseIO, and implements the pattern fully. Additionally, this type has the following methods:

net.SocketIO.bind(self, addr)
Binds the socket to the given address

The type expected for addr depends on the family kind of socket that self is

net.SocketIO.connect(self, addr)
Connects the socket to the given address

The type expected for addr depends on the family kind of socket that self is

net.SocketIO.listen(self, num=16)
Begins listening for connections, and only allows num to be active at once before refusing connections
Accepts a new connection, returning a tuple of (sock, name), where sock is a net.SocketIO object that can be read from and written to, and name is a string representing the client's name

3.3.1. net.http: HTTP Networking

The HTTP networking submodule (net.http) is a submodule of the net module. Specifically, it provides HTTP utilities built on top of the rest of the networking stack.

net.http.Request(method, uri, httpv, headers, body)

This type represents an HTTP request

It has the following attibutes:

A string representing the HTTP method

See here for a list of valid methods

A string representing the requested path. Includes a leading /.

For example, a GET request to would have '/path/to/dir.txt' as the .uri component

You can use the functions net.http.uriencode and net.http.uridecode to encode/decode components of a URI (for example, replaces reserved characters with % escapes)

A string representing the HTTP protocol version. This is almost always 'HTTP/1.1'
A dict representing key-val entries for the headers
A bytes representing the request body (may be empty)

net.http.Response(httpv, code, headers, body)
This type represents an HTTP response

It has the following attibutes:

A string representing the HTTP protocol version. This is almost always 'HTTP/1.1'
An integer representing the status code. Common values are 200 (OK), 404 (NOTFOUND)
A dict representing the key-val pairs of headers
A bytes object representing the body of the response

This type represents an HTTP server, which binds itself to addr.

Commonly, to host a local server, you will want to give addr as ("localhost", 8080) (or whatever port you want to host on).

Once you've created a server, you should call serverobj.serve() (net.http.Server.serve()) to serve forever in the current thread. When a new connection is requested, it spawns a new thread and serves each request in a new thread.


>>> s = net.http.Server(("localhost", 8080))
>>> s.serve() # Hangs in the current thread, but spawns new ones to handle requests

Serve forever on the current thread, spawning new threads that call net.http.Server.handle() for each request
net.http.Server.handle(self, addr, sock, req)
The request callback, which is called everytime a request is made to the server

It is given the arguments:

  • addr: A string representing the client's address
  • sock: The socket/socket-like IO (commonly an net.SocketIO) that can be used to communicate with the client
  • req: A request object (specifically, of the type net.http.Request), holding the information about the request

This method should typically not write to sock. Instead, it should return either a string, bytes, or a net.http.Response object, which will then be automatically written to the socket afterwards.

Here's an example that just returns the path requested:

func handle(self, addr, sock, req) {
    ret "You asked for: %s" % (req.uri,)


This function takes a string, text, and encodes reserved characters with appropriate escape codes (see here)

ASCII characters which are not escaped are added to the output unchanged; all non-ASCII characters are converted to their UTF-8 byte sequence, and % escaped each byte sequence

For the inverse of this function, see net.http.uridecode


>>> net.http.uriencode('hey there everyone')
>>> net.http.uriencode('I love to eat \N[GREEK SMALL LETTER PI]')

This function takes a string, text, and decodes reserved characters from appropriate escape codes (see here)

Escape sequences outside of the normal ASCII range are taken to be UTF8, and decoded as such

For the inverse of this function, see net.http.uriencode


>>> net.http.uridecode('hey%20there%20everyone')
'hey there everyone'
>>> net.http.uridecode('I%20love%20to%20eat%20%CF%80')
'I love to eat π'

3.4. time: Time

This module, time, allows code to programmatically determine the current time, convert date-times to human readable formats, create timestamps, and reason about multiple times.


This is a string which is the format that can be passed to time.format and time.parse to format and parse ISO8601 format. This format is the preferred format for exchanges of dates and times.

Returns the number of seconds since the Epoch as a floating point number.

The Epoch may depend on your platform, but is most commonly 1970-01-01. You can check when the epoch is by passing 0 to time.format:

>>> time.format(0.0)

Returns the number of seconds since the process started as a floating point number.

Causes the current thread to sleep for dur seconds, which should be a floating point number

The exact accuracy of this function cannot be guaranteed, it depends on the platform function. For example, if nanosleep() or usleep() are available in the C library, this function will be accurate. At worst, this function will only sleep to the nearest second
Returns a time.DateTime referring to the current time, in UTC

See time.localnow for local-equivalent function

Returns a time.DateTime referring to the current time, in the local timezone

See for UTC-equivalent function

time.format(val=none, fmt=time.ISO8601)
Returns a string which is the time value val (default:, which may be a floating point number, or a time.DateTime object) formatted according to fmt.

The format string is similar to printf syntax, but with different seperators:

Literal %
The year, in full
The year, modulo 100 (i.e. 1970 would result in 70)
The month of the year (starting at 1), zero-padded to 2 digits (i.e. February would be 02)
The month of the year, in the current locale, full
The month of the year, in the current locale, abbreviated
The week of the year as a decimal number (Sunday is 0). Days before the first Sunday are week 0
The week of the year as a decimal number (Monday is 0). Days before the first Monday are week 0
The day of the year as a decimal number (starting with 001), zero-padded to 3 digits
The day of the month as a decimal number (starting with 01), zero-padded to 2 digits
The day of the week, in the current locale, full
The day of the week, in the current locale, abbreviated
The day of the week as an integer (Monday is 0)
Hour (in 24-hour clock), zero-padded to 2 digits (00, ..., 23)
Hour (in 12-hour clock), zero-padded to 2 digits (00, ..., 12)
Minute, zero-padded to 2 digits (00, ..., 59)
Second, zero-padded to 2 digits (00, ..., 59)
Microsecond, zero-padded to 6 digits (000000, ..., 999999)
Timezone UTC offset in (+|-)HHMM[SS.[ffffff]]
Timezone name (or empty if there was none)
Current locale's equivalent of AM and PM
Current locale's default date/time representation
Current locale's default date representation
Current locale's default time representation

time.DateTime(obj=none, tz=none)

This type represents a broken-down time structure comprised of the attributes humans commonly associate with a time. For example, the year, month, day, and so forth.

DateTimes can be created with the empty constructor, time.DateTime(), which is equivalent to the function. Or, you can pass the first argument as a number of seconds since the Epoch (i.e. what is returned by time.time). For example, time.DateTime(0.0) will give you a DateTime representing the system Epoch.

The constructor also accepts another argument, tz, which is the timezone. If not given, or none, the resulting datetime is in UTC (which is to say, a reasonable default). To get a datetime in local time, you can pass 'local' as the second argument. You can also give it a specific name of a timezone, and it will attempt to use that timezone.

This type is not a completely consistent datatype (as it must deal with things like daylight savings, leap seconds, leap year, and so forth), so it is recommended to use a float to capture absolute times, and deal with timestamps.

Here are some examples of creating datetimes in various ways (the output may differ based on your location, obviously!):

>>> time.DateTime()      # Current datetime, in UTC
<time.DateTime '2021-01-13T01:10:26+0000'>
>>> time.DateTime(0)     # Epoch, in UTC
<time.DateTime '1970-01-01T00:00:00+0000'>
>>> time.DateTime(0, "local") # Epoch, in current timezone
<time.DateTime '1969-12-31T19:00:00-0500'>

The time since Epoch, in number of seconds as a floating point number
The timezone, which may be a string (the name), or none if there was no timezone
The year as an integer
The month as an integer
The day as an integer
The hour as an integer
The minute as an integer
The second as an integer
The nanosecond as an integer

3.5. util: Utilities

This module, util, implements commonly used datastructures and algorithms that aren't in the builtins. While they are commonly used, they are not used frequently enough to use the global namespace and thus restrict developers from using those names in their own code. So, you can think of the util module as "builtins 2: electric boogaloo".


This type represents a queue which can handle arbitrary objects. It can be created via the constructor, which accepts objs (default: none), which is expected to be an iterable containing the elements to initialize the queue from.

The main purpose of a queue over the builtin list type is that certain operations are much more efficient for a queue. For example, popping from the left and right is $O(1)$, whereas with a list they are $O(N)$ and $O(1)$ respectively (where $N$ is the length of the collection). This has large consequences if you are doing the operation over and over for example -- using a queue will reduce runtime drastically.

A queue is iterable just like a list, and it iterates in the same order as a list.

Pops from the front of the queue (i.e. the 0th element)

This can be confusing, since list.pop pops from the back of the list (i.e. the last element). Keep in mind the differences

util.Queue.push(self, *args)
Pushes all of args to the back of the queue

This type represents a key-value mapping following the dict pattern, implemented using a Binary Search Tree (BST). Unlike dict, however, keys must be comparable (not neccessarily hashable), and are stored in sorted order (as opposed to insertion order). This is important for algorithms which maintain a sorted list or mapping.

You can construct a BST with the constructor, which accepts a dict -like mapping, which inserts every key/value pair into a sorted mapping.

Values for keys can be retreived via indexing: x[k] gets the value associated with key k in the BST x, or throws a KeyError if no such key exists. Likewise, x[k] = v adds (or replaces) the value associated with key k in the BST x with value v.

You can iterate over the keys in a binary search tree as well:

>>> x = util.BST({2: 'a', 1: 'b'})
util.BST({1: 'b', 2: 'a'})
>>> for k in x, print (k, x[k])
1 b
2 a


>>> x = util.BST({2: 'a', 1: 'b'})
util.BST({1: 'b', 2: 'a'})
>>> 1 in x
>>> 3 in x
>>> x[0] = 'hey'
>>> x
util.BST({0: 'hey', 1: 'b', 2: 'a'})


This type represents a bitset (also called "bit map", "bit array", etc). The general idea is that it can store whether positive integers are in a set or not based on a single integer mask. This type is supposed to behave exactly like the builtin set type, except it only supports positive integers, and uses $O(max(X))$ memory (where $X$ are the elements in the set). Sets use $O(N)$ memory, where $N$ is the number of elements in the set.

Bitsets can be created with an iterable objs (default: none), in which case all elements are converted to an integer and added to the set. Additionally, a bitset can be created with a single integer, which represents the bit mask of the entire set (see below).

If we look at a number decomposed into bits, we can say that if the ith bit is set to 1, then i is in the set, and otherwise, i is not in the set. For example, the integer 0b11011 corresponds to the integers 0, 1, 3, and 4.

You can convert a bitset into the corresponding integer like so:

>>> util.Bitset([0, 1, 3, 4]) as int
>> bin(27)    # Check binary notation

The main advantage of using a bitset over a normal set with integers is speed of common operations. For example, intersection, union, difference, and so forth can be computed extremely efficiently, perhaps 10x faster. So, this type is available for those use cases.

util.Graph(nodes=none, edges=none)

This type is currently being implemented, so this documentation is incomplete.

3.6. gram: Grammar

The grammar module (gram) provides commonly needed types and algorithms for dealing with computer grammars (for example, descriptions of programming language syntax)

gram.Lexer(patterns, src=os.stdin)
This type represents a lexer/tokenizer which token rules are defined as either str literals or regex patterns.

The constructor takes an iterable of rules -- each rule is expected to be a tuple of length 2, containing (pattern, action). pattern may be a str or regex; if it is a string, then the token matches that string literal exactly, and otherwise the token matches the regex pattern. action may be a function (in which case the result of a token being found is the result of action(tokenstring)). Otherwise, it is may be an integral object, which is the token kind. Commonly, these may be members of an enumeration meant to represent every token kind in a given context. Otherwise, action is expected to be none, in which case the potential token is discarded and the characters that made up that token are ignored. The rule that is chosen is that which generates the longest match from the current position in a file. If two rules match the same length, then the one given first in the rules variable is used first.

The second argument, src, is expected to be an object similar to io.BaseIO (default is os.stdin). This is the source from which characters are taken.

This is hard to grasp abstractly -- here is an example recognizing numbers and words, and ignoring everything else:

>>> L = gram.Lexer([
...     (`[:alpha:]+`,   0),
...     (`[:digit:]+`,   1),
...     (`.`,     none).
...     (`\n`,    none)
... ], io.StringIO("hey 123 456 test"))
gram.Lexer([(regex('[[:alpha:]_][[:alpha:]_[:digit:]]*'), 0), (regex('\\d+'), 1), (regex('.'), none), (regex('\\n'), none)], <'io.StringIO' @ 0x55A6E90CE990>)
>>> next(L)
gram.Token(0, 'hey')
>>> next(L)
gram.Token(1, '123')
>>> next(L)
gram.Token(1, '456')
>>> next(L)
gram.Token(0, 'test')
>>> next(L)
Call Stack:
  #0: In '<expr>' (line 1, col 1):
next(L)                                                                                                                                                                   ^~~~~~~
  #1: In next(obj) [cfunc]
  #2: In gram.Lexer.__next(self) [cfunc]
In <thread 'main'>

You can also iterate over a lexer to produce the token stream:

>>> L = gram.Lexer([
...     (`[:alpha:]+`,   0),
...     (`[:digit:]+`,   1),
...     (`.`,     none).
...     (`\n`,    none)
... ], io.StringIO("hey 123 456 test"))
gram.Lexer([(regex('[[:alpha:]_][[:alpha:]_[:digit:]]*'), 0), (regex('\\d+'), 1), (regex('.'), none), (regex('\\n'), none)], <'io.StringIO' @ 0x55A6E90CE990>)
>>> for tok in L, print(repr(tok))
gram.Token(0, 'hey')
gram.Token(1, '123')
gram.Token(1, '456')
gram.Token(0, 'test')

3.7. m: Math

This module, m, provides functionality to aid in mathematical problems/needs .This module contains common mathematical constants (such as $\pi$, $\tau$, $e$, and so forth), as well as functions that efficiently and accurately compute commonly used functions (such as $\sin$, $\cos$, $\Gamma$, and so forth). This module also includes some integer and number-theoretic functions, such as computing the greatest common denominator (GCD), binomial coefficients, and primality testing.

This module is meant to work with the types that follow the number pattern, such as int, float, and complex. Most functions are defined for real and complex evaluation. If a real number is given, then (generally) a real number is returned. If a complex number is given, then (generally) a complex number is returned. If a real number is given (for example, to m.sqrt) and the result would be a complex number (i.e. m.sqrt(-1)), then an error is thrown (this makes it easy to find bugs, and in general real numbers are what most people care about – and they would like an error on code such as m.sqrt(-1)). To get around this, you can write: m.sqrt(complex(-1)), and the result will always be a complex, and an error won’t be thrown for negative numbers.

Constants are given in maximum precision possible within a float, but for all of these constants, their value is not exact. This causes some issues or unexpected results. For example, mathematically, $\sin(\pi) = 0$, but m.sin(m.pi) == 1.22464679914735e-16. This is expected when using finite precision. Just make sure to keep this in mind.

Here are some recommended ways to handle it:

>>> if m.sin(m.pi) == 0 {}               # Bad, may cause unexpected results
>>> if abs(m.sin(m.pi) - 0) < 1e-6 {}    # Better, uses a decent tolerance (1e-6 is pretty good)
>>> if m.isclose(m.sin(m.pi), 0) {}      # Best, use the m.isclose() function

The value of $\pi$, as a float

>>> m.pi

The value of $\tau$, as a float

>>> m.tau

The value of $e$, as a float

>>> m.e

The value of $\gamma$, as a float

>>> m.mascheroni
m.isclose(x, y, abs_err=1e-6, rel_err=1e-6)

Computes whether x and y are "close", i.e. within abs_err absolute error or having a relative error of rel_err.

Is equivalent to:

func isclose(x, y, abs_err=1e-6, rel_err=1e-6) {
    ad = abs(x - y)
    ret ad <= abs_err || ad <= abs_err * max(abs(x), abs(y))

Computes the floor of x, as an int

Computes the ceiling of x, as an int
Computes the nearest int to x, rounding towards +inf if exactly between integers
Computes the sign of x, returning one of +1, 0, or -1
Computes the square root of x.

If x is a real type (i.e. int or float) then negative numbers will throw a MathError. You can instead write: m.sqrt(complex(x)), which will give complex results for negative numbers

Computes the expontial function (base-$e$) of x
m.log(x, b=m.e)
Computes the logarithm (base-$b$) of x. Default is the natural logarithm
Converts x (which is in degrees) to radians
Converts x (which is in radians) to degrees
m.hypot(x, y)
Computes the side of a right triangle with sides x and y
Computes the sine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the cosine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the tangent of x (which is in radians)
Computes the hyperbolic sine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse sine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse cosine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse tangent of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x (which is in radians)
Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x (which is in radians)
Computes the error function of x

Defined as $\frac{2}{\sqrt \pi} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t^2} dt$

Computes the complimentary error function of x, defined as 1 - m.erf(x)
Computes the Gamma function of x, $\Gamma(x)$
Computes the Riemann Zeta function of x, $\zeta(x)$
m.modinv(x, n)
Computes the modular inverse of x within the ring of integers modulo n (i.e. $Z_n$)

A MathError is thrown if no such inverse exists

m.gcd(x, y)
Computes the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of x and y
m.egcd(x, y)
Computes the Extended Greatest Common Divisor (EGCD) of x and y, returning a tuple of (g, s, t) such that x*s + y*t == g == m.gcd(x, y)

If abs(x) == abs(y), then (g, 0, m.sgn(y)) is returned

3.8. nx: NumeriX

The NumeriX module (nx) provides array operations, linear algebra algorithms, transforms, and other numerical algorithms. It is similar to the math module (m), but is intended to work for specific datatypes and compute the result in parallel for entire arrays. This is sometimes called array programming.

Using nx can result in more readable and more efficient code. And, since it is part of the standard library of kscript, it can be used anywhere without installing additional packages.

However, this package is complicated and large, so before looking at documentation, you should read this section so you can be sure you understand the concepts presented. Here are the main concepts present in this module:

nx.array(objs=[], dtype=nx.double)
This type represents a multi-dimensional array (sometimes called as a tensor), which has elements and an associated datatype. Operations on this type typically act as vectorized operations -- which means applying the operation to every element, in one batch job. This means that the code can be more efficient internally, whereas if you write a for-loop to manually perform the operation, it may be 100 or 1000 times slower!

Arrays (approximately) follow the number pattern for 0-rank arrays. But, this is not to be relied upon. In general, when programming for array-based input, you should have them follow the nx.array pattern, which will treat number objects as a rank-0 array. In other words, you can think of the nx.array pattern as a generalization of the number pattern.

This attribute gives the rank of the array as an integer

The rank of an array is the number of dimensions (i.e. axes) it has. For example, a matrix would be considered rank-2 (2 dimensional), so it would have a rank of 2.

Scalar values are 0-rank

In documentation, sometimes arrays are described as rank-N, or ND (N-dimensional). These are equivalent

This attribute gives the shape of the array as a tuple of integers

The shape of an array is the length in each dimension, in number of elements. For example, a matrix would be considered rank-2 (2 dimensional), and so the shape would be of the form (M, N), where M and N are integers.

Scalar values are 0-rank, and have a shape of (), the empty tuple.

This attribute gives the stride of the array as a tuple of integers. This is rarely useful for most developers.

The stride of an array is the distance between each element of that dimension, in bytes, as an integer.

This attribute gives a view of the transpose of an array. There are a few cases:

  • If the array is rank-0, then it is given unchanged
  • If the array is rank-1, then it is treated like a row-vector, and a column vector of shape (N, 1) is given
  • Otherwise, the last two axes are swapped (the input is treated like a stack of matrices)

This type represents a datatype, which arrays can hold elements of. Typically, these correspond to types in the C library, or hardware types for a specific platform.

Datatypes can represent sized-integer values, floating point values, complex floating point values, or structures of other datatypes. Most mathematical operations are only supported on the builtin numeric datayptes (which includes integer, float, and complex datatypes), which support by platform may vary.

nx.zeros(shape=none, dtype=nx.double)
Create an array of zeros with a shape of shape (default: scalar), and datatype (default: double)
nx.ones(shape=none, dtype=nx.double)
Create an array of ones with a shape of shape (default: scalar), and datatype (default: double)
nx.pad(x, shape)
Pads x to a given shape (shape, which should match the rank of x). Expands x to dimensions which are larger (and adds zeros), and shrinks x to dimensions which are smaller (and omits values)
nx.onehot(x, newdim=none, r=none)
Computes a one-hot encoding, where x are the indices, newdim is the size of the new dimension which the indices point to (default: last dimension of x), storing in r (default: return new array). Indices in x are taken modulo newdim
nx.abs(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise absolute value of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.conj(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise conjugation of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.neg(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise negation of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.add(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise addition of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.sub(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise subtraction of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.mul(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise multiplication of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.div(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise division of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.floordiv(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise floored division of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.mod(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise modulo of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.pow(x, y, r=none)
Computes elementwise power of x and y, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.exp(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise exponential function of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.log(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise natural logarithm of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.sqrt(x, r=none)
Computes elementwise square root of x, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.min(x, axes=none, r=none)
Computes reduction on the minimum of x on axes (default: all), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.max(x, axes=none, r=none)
Computes reduction on the maximum of x on axes (default: all), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.sum(x, axes=none, r=none)
Computes reduction on the sum of x on axes (default: all), storing in r (default: return new array), axes=none, r=none)
Computes reduction on the product of x on axes (default: all), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.cumsum(x, axis=-1, r=none)
Computes cumuluative sum of x on axes (default: last), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.cumprod(x, axis=-1, r=none)
Computes cumulative product of x on axes (default: last), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.sort(x, axis=-1, r=none)
Sorts x on axis (default: last), storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.cast(x, dtype, r=none)
Casts x to a datatype, storing in r (default: return new array)
nx.fpcast(x, dtype, r=none)
Casts x to a datatype, storing in r (default: return new array). This is like nx.cast, except that it automatically converts to and from fixed point and floating point. For example, if going from integer to float types, the result is scaled to the [0, 1] range (unsigned values) or [-1, 1] range (signed values). Likewise, going from float to integer types, the result is scaled to the full range of the integer type, from the floating point scale.

3.8.1. Linear Algebra

This module is a submodule of the nx module. Specifically, it implements functionality related to dense linear algebra.

Most functions operate on arrays, which are expected to be of rank-2 or more (in which case it is a stack of matrices).
Computes the Frobenius norm of x (which should be of rank-2 or more)

Equivalent to nx.sqrt(nx.sum(nx.abs(x) ** 2, (-2, -1)))
Creates a diagonal matrix with x as the diagonal. If x's rank is greater than 1, then it is assumed to be a stack of diagonals, and this function returns a stack of matrices


>>>[1, 2, 3])
[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
 [0.0, 2.0, 0.0],
 [0.0, 0.0, 3.0]]
>>>[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
[[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
  [0.0, 2.0, 0.0],
  [0.0, 0.0, 3.0]],
 [[4.0, 0.0, 0.0],
  [0.0, 5.0, 0.0],
  [0.0, 0.0, 6.0]]]

Creates a permutation matrix with x as the row interchanges. If x.rank > 1, then it is assumed to be a stack of row interchanges, and this function returns a stack of matrices

Equivalent to nx.onehot(x, x.shape[-1])


>>>[0, 1, 2])
[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
 [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
 [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
>>>[1, 2, 0])
[[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
 [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
 [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], y, r=none)

Calculates the matrix product x @ y. If r is none, then a result is allocated, otherwise it must be the correct shape, and the result will be stored in that.

Expects matrices to be of shape:

* x: (..., M, N)

* y: (..., N, K)

* r: (..., M, K) (or r==none, it will be allocated)


>>>[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]])
[[19.0, 22.0],
 [43.0, 50.0]], p=none, l=none, u=none)

Factors x according to LU decomposition with partial pivoting, and returns a tuple of (p, l, u) such that x == @ l @ u (within numerical accuracy), and p gives the row-interchanges required, l is lower triangular, and u is upper triangular. If p, l, or u is given, it is used as the destination, otherwise a new result is allocated.

Expects matrices to be of shape:

* x: (..., N, N)

* p: (..., N) (or if p==none, it will be allocated)

* l: (..., N, N) (or if l==none, it will be allocated)

* u: (..., N, N) (or if u==none, it will be allocated)


>>> (p, l, u) =[[1, 2], [3, 4]])
([1, 0], [[1.0, 0.0],
 [0.333333333333333, 1.0]], [[3.0, 4.0],
 [0.0, 0.666666666666667]])
>>> @ l @ u
[[1.0, 2.0],
 [3.0, 4.0]]

3.8.2. nx.fft: FFT

This module is a submodule of the nx module. Specifically, it provides functionality related to FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms).

Different languages/libraries use different conventions for FFT/IFFT/other transforms. It is important the developer knows which are used by kscript, as they are explained per function.

nx.fft.fft(x, axes=none, r=none)
Calculates the forward FFT of x, upon axes (default: all axes), and stores in r (or, if r==none, then a result is allocated)

The result of this function is always complex. If an integer datatype input is given, the result will be nx.complexdouble . All numeric datatypes are supported, and are to full precision.

For a 1-D FFT, let $N$ be the size, $x$ be the input, and $X$ be the output. Then, the corresponding entries of $X$ are given by:

$$X_j = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} x_k e^{-2 \pi i j k /N}$$

For an N-D FFT, the result is equivalent to doing a 1D FFT over each of axes

See nx.fft.ifft (the inverse of this function)


>>> nx.fft.fft([1, 2, 3, 4])
[10.0+0.0i, -2.0-2.0i, -2.0+0.0i, -2.0+2.0i]
nx.fft.ifft(x, axes=none, r=none)

Calculates the inverse FFT of x, upon axes (default: all axes), and stores in r (or, if r==none, then a result is allocated)

The result of this function is always complex. If an integer datatype input is given, the result will be nx.complexdouble . All numeric datatypes are supported, and are to full precision.

For a 1-D IFFT, let $N$ be the size, $x$ be the input, and $X$ be the output. Then, the corresponding entries of $X$ are given by:

$$X_j = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \frac{x_k e^{2 \pi i j k / N}}{N}$$

Note that there is a $\frac{1}{N}$ term in the summation. Some other libraries do different kinds of scaling. The kscript fft/ifft functions will always produce the same result (up to machine precision) when given: nx.fft.ifft(nx.fft.fft(x))

For an N-D IFFT, the result is equivalent to doing a 1D IFFT over each of axes

See nx.fft.fft (the inverse of this function)


>>> nx.fft.ifft([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2.5+0.0i, -0.5+0.5i, -0.5+0.0i, -0.5-0.5i]

3.9. ffi: Foreign Functions

The foreign function interface module, ffi, provides functionality required to load and execute dynamically loaded code from other languages.

This module has definitions for C-style types (including pointers, structs and functions), and utilities to load libraries.

Alias types (for example,, ffi.long, etc) are really just the specifically sized type for the current platform. For example, on most platforms, == ffi.s32

Signed 8 bit integer
Unsigned 8 bit integer
Signed 16 bit integer
Unsigned 16 bit integer
Signed 32 bit integer
Unsigned 32 bit integer
Signed 64 bit integer
Unsigned 64 bit integer
Alias for char in C
Alias for unsigned char in C
Alias for short in C
Alias for unsigned short in C
Alias for int in C
Alias for unsigned int in C
Alias for int in C
Alias for unsigned int in C
Alias for long long in C
Alias for unsigned long long in C
Alias for size_t in C
Alias for ssize_t in C
Floating point type: float in C
Floating point type: double in C
Floating point type: long double in C
A pointer to another type. This is an example of a templated type. For example, in C you may have the type typedef int* int_p; (for a pointer to an int). In this library, you can represent such a type with the expression ffi.ptr[]

By default, ffi.ptr acts like ffi.ptr[none], which acts like a void* in C (i.e. pointer to anything)

Pointer arithmetic is defined and adds the type of the size. For example:

>>> ffi.ptr[](0x64)
>>> ffi.ptr[](0x64) + 1

Also, dereferencing and assignment are supported through []:

>>> val =
>>> valp = ffi.addr(val)
ffi.ptr[ffi.s32](0x557EE456A4F0)  # Address of `val`
>>> valp[0] = 5
>>> val  # Now, that original value changed

ffi.func[ResultT=none, ArgsT=()]
A function type, with a result type and a list of argument types. This is an example of a templated type. For example, in C you may have the function type int (*myfunc)(char x, short y). In this library, you can represent such a type with the expression ffi.func[, (ffi.char, ffi.short)]

Variadic functions are supported via the ... constant at the end of the arguments array. For example, the printf function in C has the type ffi.func[, (ffi.ptr[ffi.char], ...).

FFI functions can be called in kscript, just like a normal function. However, there are a few conversions that go on under-the-hood:

  • Objects are casted to the function's signatures type (i.e. the template arguments)
  • For variadic functions, extra arguments are expected to be either FFI types already, or a standard type (int, float, str, bytes) that can be converted automatically
  • str and bytes objects are converted into a *mutable* ffi.ptr[ffi.char]. It is important that you don't pass them to a function which may mutate them! Use ffi.fromUTF8 and ffi.toUTF8 to convert them to mutable buffers

A structure type, representing a struct type in C. This is an example of a templated type.

Here are some examples:

""" C code
struct vec3f {
    float x, y, z;

# FFI code
vec3f = ffi.struct[
    ('x', ffi.float),
    ('y', ffi.float),
    ('z', ffi.float),

# Sometimes, if you want to add customizability, you can create a new type:
type vec3f extends ffi.struct[
        (ffi.float, 'x'),
        (ffi.float, 'y'),
        (ffi.float, 'z'),
    ] {

    # You can even add methods!

# You can create values like this
# vec3f(1, 2, 3)
# vec3f(1, 2, 3).y == 2.0

Represents a dynamically loaded library, typically opened via the function.

ffi.DLL.load(name, of=ffi.ptr)
Loads a symbol from the DLL (by looking it up) which is expected to be of type of (default: void* in C)

For example, the puts function can be loaded like so:

>>> libc.load('puts', ffi.func[, (ffi.ptr[ffi.char],)])

See ffi.func
Opens src, which is expected to be a string representing the dynamic library. For example,'') opens the C standard library on most systems.

Returns an ffi.DLL

Computes the size (in bytes) of an object (or, if given a type, the size of objects of that type)
Returns the address of the value in obj, assuming its type is an FFI-based type. The address returns the address of the start of the actual C-value in obj, which can be mutated and is only valid as long as obj is still alive

Return type is ffi.ptr[type(obj)]

Returns a string created from UTF8 bytes at addr (assumed to be NUL-terminated)
ffi.toUTF8(obj, addr=none, sz=-1)
Converts obj (which is expected to be a string or bytes object) to UTF8 bytes, and stores in addr (default: allocate via malloc())

If sz > 0, then that is the maximum size of the buffer (including NUL-terminator), and no more than sz bytes will be written

Wrapper for the C function malloc
ffi.realloc(ptr, sz)
Wrapper for the C function realloc
Wrapper for the C function free

4. Syntax

This section describes the syntax of the ksript language. It explains the actual formal specs of what is and what is not valid kscript code.

4.1. EBNF

EBNF is a notation to formalize computer grammars. In this page, the grammar of the kscript language is described using an EBNF-like syntax:

(* Entire program/file *)

(* Newline/break rule *)
N       : '\n'
        | ';'

(* Block (enclosed in '{}') *)
B       : '{' STMT* '}'

(* Block (B) or comma statement *)
BORC    : B
        | ',' STMT

(* Block (B) or statement *)
BORS    : B
        | STMT

(* Statement, which does not yield a value *)
STMT    : 'import' NAME N
        | 'ret' EXPR? N
        | 'throw' EPXR? N
        | 'break' N
        | 'cont' N
        | 'if' EXPR BORC ('elif' BORC)* ('else' EXPR BORS)?
        | 'while' EXPR BORC ('else' EXPR BORS)?
        | 'for' EXPR BORC
        | 'try' BORS ('catch' EXPR (('as' | '->') EXPR)?)* ('finally' BORS)?
        | EXPR N
        | N

(* Expression, which does yield a value *)
EXPR        : E0

(* Precedence rules *)

E0      : E1 '=' E0
        | E1 '&=' E0
        | E1 '^=' E0
        | E1 '|=' E0
        | E1 '<<=' E0
        | E1 '>>=' E0
        | E1 '+=' E0
        | E1 '-=' E0
        | E1 '*=' E0
        | E1 '@=' E0
        | E1 '/=' E0
        | E1 '//=' E0
        | E1 '%=' E0
        | E1 '**=' E0
        | E1

E1      : E2 'if' E2 ('else' E1)?
        | E2

E2      : E2 '??' E3
        | E3

E3      : E3 '||' E4
        | E4

E4      : E4 '&&' E5
        | E5

E5      : E5 '===' E6
        | E5 '==' E6
        | E5 '!=' E6
        | E5 '<' E6
        | E5 '<=' E6
        | E5 '>' E6
        | E5 '>=' E6
        | E5 'in' E6
        | E5 '!in' E6
        | E6

E6      : E6 'as' E7
        | E7

E7      : E7 '|' E8
        | E8

E8      : E8 '^' E9
        | E9

E9      : E9 '&' E10
        | E10

E10     : E10 '<<' E11
        | E10 '>>' E11
        | E11

E11     : E11 '+' E12
        | E11 '-' E12
        | E12

E12     : E12 '*' E13
        | E12 '@' E13
        | E12 '/' E13
        | E12 '//' E13
        | E12 '%' E13
        | E13

E13     : E14 '**' E13
        | E14

E14     : '++' E14
        | '--' E14
        | '+' E14
        | '-' E14
        | '~' E14
        | '!' E14
        | '?' E14
        | E15

E15     : ATOM
        | '(' ')'
        | '[' ']'
        | '{' '}'
        | '(' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? ')'
        | '[' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? ']'
        | '{' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? '}'
        | '{' ELEMKV (',' ELEMKV)* ','? '}'
        | 'func' NAME? ('(' (PAR (',' PAR)* ','?)? ')')? B    (* Func constructor *)
        | 'type' NAME? ('extends' EXPR)? B                    (* Type constructor *)
        | 'enum' NAME? B                                      (* Enum constructor *)
        | E15 '.' NAME
        | E15 '++'
        | E15 '--'
        | E15 '(' (ARG (',' ARG)*)? ','? ')'
        | E15 '[' (ARG (',' ARG)*)? ','? ']'

(* Atomic element of grammar (expression which is single token) *)
        | STR
        | REGEX
        | INT
        | FLOAT
        | '...'

(* Valid argument to function call *)
ARG     : '*' EXPR
        | EXPR

(* Valid parameter to a function *)
PAR     : '*' NAME
        | NAME ('=' EXPR)?

(* Valid argument to container constructor (expression, or expand expression) *)
ELEM    : '*' EXPR
        | EXPR

(* Valid argument to key-val container constructor *)

(* Tuple literal *)
TUPLE   : '(' ','? ')'
        | '(' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? ')'

(* List literal *)
LIST    : '[' ','? ']'
        | '[' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? ']'

(* Set literal (no empty set, since that conflicts with dict) *)
SET     : '{' ELEM (',' ELEM)* ','? '}'

(* Dict literal *)
DICT    : '{' ','? '}'
        | '{' ELEMKV (',' ELEMKV)* ','? '}'

(* Function constructor *)
FUNC    : 'func' NAME? ('(' (PAR (',' PAR)*)? ','? ')')? B

(* Type constructor *)
TYPE    : 'type' NAME? ('extends' EXPR)? B

(* Enum constructor *)
ENUM    : 'enum' NAME? B

(* Token kinds described as literals *)
NAME    : ? unicode identifier ?
STR     : ? string literal ?
REGEX   : ? regex literal ?
INT     : ? integer literal ?
FLOAT   : ? floating point literal ?

4.2. Expressions

In kscript, many syntax elements are expressions, which means that they will result in a value after being evaluated. You can always assign the result of an expression to a variable, element index, attribute, or any other destination where you may store in any object. They can be used within other expressions (albeit, sometimes requiring () due to order-of-operations).

In contrast to most languages, Function Definitions and Type Definitions are expressions (in most languages, they are statements and do not yield a value). You can, of course, use them like a statement (i.e. not embedded in another expression), but you can also return them, or assign them locally.

4.2.1. Integer Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal integers (of type int). You can specify the base-10 digits within a kscript program, and it will be interpreted as an integer. You can also use a prefix for other notations -- see the table below for a list of valid ones:

Decimal notation involves the prefix 0d or 0d or no prefix followed by a sequence of base-10 digits, which are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Binary notation involves the prefix 0b or 0B followed by a sequence of base-2 digits (called bits), which are either 0 or 1
Octal notation involves the prefix 0o or 0O (that's "zero" "oh", as in the number and then letter) followed by a sequence of base-8 digits, which are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. A common use of this notation is file permission bits, see: os.mkdir, os.stat
Hexadecimal notation involves the prefix 0x or 0X followed by a sequence of base-16 digits, which are are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a/A, b/B, c/C, d/D, e/E, f/F

Regardless of the notation, the result is an int object with the specified value. Also, note that there are no "negative integer literals" -- only a positive one with a - operator, which causes negation.


>>> 123       # Base-10
>>> 255       # Base-10

>>> 0x7B      # Base-16
>>> 0xFF      # Base-16

>>> 0o173     # Base-8
>>> 0o377     # Base-8

>>> 0b1111011 # Base-2
>>> 0b11111111 # Base-2

4.2.2. Float Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal floating point numbers (of type float). You can specify the base-10 digits within a kscript program, including a . for the whole number/fractional seperator (which differentiates float literals from Integer Literal), and it will be interpreted as a real number, represented as accurately as the machine precision can (see float.EPS). Additionally, an exponent is allowed (see: scientific notation) with the e or E characters. You can also use a prefix for other notations -- see the table below for a list of valid ones:

Decimal notation involves the prefix 0d or 0d or no prefix followed by a sequence of base-10 digits, which are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Binary notation involves the prefix 0b or 0B followed by a sequence of base-2 digits (called bits), which are either 0 or 1. Must include a . as a seperator

Instead of using e or E for the base-10 power, you use p or P for a base-2 power.

Octal notation involves the prefix 0o or 0O (that's "zero" "oh", as in the number and then letter) followed by a sequence of base-8 digits, which are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Must include a . as a seperator

Instead of using e or E for the base-10 power, you use p or P for a base-2 power.

Hexadecimal notation involves the prefix 0x or 0X followed by a sequence of base-16 digits, which are are one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a/A, b/B, c/C, d/D, e/E, f/F. Must include a . as a seperator

Instead of using e or E for the base-10 power, you use p or P for a base-2 power.

In addition to the digits, there are also two builtin names inf and nan, which represent positive infinity and not-a-number respectively.

Also, note that there are no "negative float literals" -- only a positive one with a - operator, which causes negation.

Regardless of the notation, the result is a float object with the specified value.


>>> 123.0     # Base-10
>>> 255.0     # Base-10
>>> 100.75    # Base-10

>>> 0x7B.0    # Base-16
>>> 0xFF.0    # Base-16
>>> 0x64.C    # Base-16

>>> 0o173.0   # Base-8
>>> 0o377.0   # Base-8
>>> 0o144.6   # Base-8

>>> 0b1111011.0 # Base-2
>>> 0b11111111.0 # Base-2
>>> 0b1100100.11 # Base-2

Here are some examples with scientific notation:

>>> 1.234e3
>>> 1234e-3
>>> 1e9

4.2.3. Complex Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal complex values. Specifically, you can only construct imaginary literals -- you need to use the + operator to create a complex number with real and imaginary components.

Complex literals are created by placing an i or I directly after an Integer Literal or Float Literal, which results in a complex number with 0.0 as the real component, and the integer or floating point value as the imaginary component. Note that complex objects have both components as float values, so even though an integer imaginary component may be given (for example, 123i), the resulting complex value will have floating point components.


>>> 1i          # Base-10
>>> 123i        # Base-10
>>> 12+34i      # Base-10

>>> 0x1i        # Base-16
>>> 0x7Bi       # Base-16
>>> 0xC+0x22i   # Base-16

4.2.4. String Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal str values. The basic syntax is a beginning quote character (one of ', ", ''', """), followed by the contents of the string, and then an ending quote character that matched the one the string started with. The contents of the string can be either character literals, or escape codes (see below for a list of escape sequences). The result will always be a str object, which is immutable.

Here's a list of escape sequences:

A literal \
A literal '
A literal "
An ASCII BEL character (bell/alarm)
An ASCII BS character (backspace)
An ASCII FF character (formfeed)
An ASCII LF character (newline/linefeed)
An ASCII CR character (carriage return)
An ASCII HT character (horizontal tab)
An ASCII VT character (bertical tab)
Single byte, where XX are the 2 hexadecimal digits of the codepoint (padded with leading zeros)


>>> '\x61'

Unicode character, where XXXX are the 4 hexadecimal digits of the codepoint (padded with leading zeros)


>>> '\u0061'

Unicode character, where XXXXXXXX are the 8 hexadecimal digits of the codepoint (padded with leading zeros)


>>> '\U00000061'

Unicode character, where XX...X is the name of the Unicode character



4.2.5. List Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal list objects. A list is a mutable collection, so once the literal is created, it may be mutated further.

List literals are created by surrounding the elements of the list with [ and ], with , in between each element. Optionally, an additional , may be added after all of them. Items within a list literal may span across lines.

An empty list can be created with either [] or [,] (they are equivalent).

List literals also support unpacking, which can be specified via a * before an element in the literal. This instructs kscript to treat that element as an iterable, and instead of adding it, it adds each object within that element to the list.

List literals also support comprehension, which can be specified with the for and optionally an if keyword. You can use: a for b in c (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c) or a for b in c if d (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c, only if the expression d is truthy). You can think of this as an inline for loop.


>>> []
>>> [,]
>>> [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> ["Any", "Type", "CanBeStored"]
['Any', 'Type', 'CanBeStored']
>>> [*"abcd"]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

4.2.6. Tuple Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal tuple objects. A tuple is a immutable collection, so once the literal is created, it may not be mutated further.

Tuple literals are created by surrounding the elements of the tuple with ( and ), with , in between each element. Optionally, an additional , may be added after all of them. Items within a tuple literal may span across lines. Tuples with one element must end with a comma (i.e. (a,)), to differentiate it from a grouping.

The empty tuple can be created via either () or (,)

Tuple literals also support unpacking, which can be specified via a * before an element in the literal. This instructs kscript to treat that element as an iterable, and instead of adding it, it adds each object within that element to the tuple.

Tuple literals also support comprehension, which can be specified with the for and optionally an if keyword. You can use: a for b in c (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c) or a for b in c if d (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c, only if the expression d is truthy). You can think of this as an inline for loop.


>>> ()
>>> (,)
>>> (1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> ("Any", "Type", "CanBeStored")
('Any', 'Type', 'CanBeStored')
>>> (*"abcd")
('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

4.2.7. Set Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal set objects. A set is a mutable collection, so once the literal is created, it may be mutated further.

Set literals are created by surrounding the elements of the set with { and }, with , in between each element. Optionally, an additional , may be added after all of them. Items within a set literal may span across lines.

Due to a conflicts with Dict Literal, the empty set must be created via calling the set type: set()

Set literals also support unpacking, which can be specified via a * before an element in the literal. This instructs kscript to treat that element as an iterable, and instead of adding it, it adds each object within that element to the set.

Set literals also support comprehension, which can be specified with the for and optionally an if keyword. You can use: a for b in c (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c) or a for b in c if d (adds the expression a for each element b in an iterable c, only if the expression d is truthy). You can think of this as an inline for loop.

Since set objects only store unique members (i.e. members which differ in hash and value), adding duplicate elements will result in a shorter set with fewer elements than intiailizers (see below in examples).


>>> set()
>>> {1, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
>>> {"Any", "Type", "CanBeStored"}
{'Any', 'Type', 'CanBeStored'}
>>> {*"abcd"}
{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}
>>> {3, 2, 1, 2, 3}    # Duplicate elements are not added
{3, 2, 1}

4.2.8. Dict Literal

This is the syntax for constructing literal dict objects. A dict is a mutable collection, so once the literal is created, it may be mutated further.

Dict literals are created by surrounding the key-value pairs of the dict with { and }, with : seperating the key and value, and with , in between each element. Optionally, an additional , may be added after all of them. Items within a dict literal may span across lines.

The empty dictionary can be created via either {} or {,}.

Dict literals also support unpacking, however the syntax is not finalized yet. This is incomplete.

Dict literals also support comprehension, which can be specified with the for and optionally an if keyword. You can use: k: v for b in c (adds the key-value entry k and v for each element b in an iterable c) or k: v for b in c if d (adds the key-value entry k and v for each element b in an iterable c, only if the expression d is truthy). You can think of this as an inline for loop.

Since dict objects only store unique members (i.e. keys which differ in hash and value), adding duplicate elements will result in a shorter dict with fewer elements than intiailizers (see below in examples).


>>> {}
>>> {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'a': 4} # Duplicate elements update the value, but do not add entries
{'a': 4, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

4.2.9. Lambda Expression

This is the syntax for constructing func objects given a lambda expression. In some terminologies, lambda functions are called "anonymous functions", and to some extent they are, but there are also anonymous functions in func expressions. So, "anonymous functions" refers to both lambda expressions and unnamed func expressions. Throughout this section, we'll use the term "lambda expression" to refer to this syntax element.

Lambda expressions are created from a variable, or tuple literal, followed by a right arrow (->, made up of the characters - and >), and then followed by an expression. So, the basic form is a -> b, where a are the parameters, and b is the expression to evaluate when the function is called (and it is returned from the function).

Further, the parameters may be assigned a default, but they must be within a tuple literal (for example, (x=1,) -> x is valid, but x=1 -> x, and (x=1) -> x are invalid).

The main advantage of lambda expressions is that they are shorter than func expressions, and do not require using the ret statement to return a value.


>>> x -> x + 2
<func '<lambda>(x)'>
>>> (x -> x ** 2)(3)
>>> foo = (x, y=2) -> x + y
<func '<lambda>(x, y=2)'>
>>> foo(10)
>>> foo(10, 4)

4.2.10. Function Definition

This is the syntax for constructing func objects with the func keyword. It is important to note that in kscript (unlike many languages), function definition is an expression, not only a statement. So, it can be used within other expressions.

The basic syntax for defining a function begins with the func keyword, optionally followed by a valid identifier as the name of the function, optionally followed by the parameters ((, then all the arguments, then )). Finally, it expects the body of the function within { and }

Specifically, here are the rules of each part of the function definition:

Name (optional)
The name, which should be a valid identifier, tells what local name to assign to. If it is not given, then the function is not assigned to any name (called an "anonymous function")
Parameters (optional)
The parameters of the function, surrounded by ( and ), with , in between each parameter. Each parameter may be a valid identifer, and you can write name=val to provide a default argument. Additionally, you can specify spread parameters via *name, which assigns the list of all extra arguments to name


# Anonymous function, is not assigned to any named
# Takes 0 arguments
func {
    # Body here
    ret val

# Named function (it is assigned to the local name `foo`)
# Takes 0 arguments
func foo {
    ret val

# Named function (it is assigned to the local name `foo`)
# Takes 2 arguments
func foo(x, y) {
    ret x + y

# Named function (it is assigned to the local name `foo`)
# Takes 1 or 2 arguments (if only `x` is given, `y` defaults to `1`)
func foo(x, y=1) {
    ret x + y

# Named function (it is assigned to the local name `foo`)
# Takes 1 or more arguments (`y` is a list of all other arguments given after the first)
func foo(x, *y) {
    ret x + len(y)

# Named function (it is assigned to the local name `foo`)
# Takes 2 or more arguments (`y` is a list of all other arguments given after the first and before the last)
func foo(x, *y, z) {
    ret x + len(y) + z

You can also create a lambda expression, which is a similar concept but different syntax (it is more compact).

4.2.11. Type Definition

This is the syntax for constructing type objects with the type keyword. It is important to note that in kscript (unlike many languages), type definition is an expression, not only a statement. So, it can be used within other expressions.

The basic syntax for defining a type begins with the type keyword, optionally followed by a valid identifier as the name of the type, optionally followed by the keyword extends and an expression giving the base type (default: object). It should end with a block of statements beginning with { and ending with }

Specifically, here are the rules of each part of the type definition:

Name (optional)
The name, which should be a valid identifier, tells what local name to assign to. If it is not given, then the type is not assigned to any name (called an "anonymous type")
Extends (optional)
The base type of the type being created is specified by giving the extends keyword and then an expression that will yield the base type. Default is object


# Anonymous type
type {

# Named type
type MyType {

# Named type which is a subtype of `list`
type MyType extends list {

4.2.12. Operators

Operators are used to represent operations on other expressions (called "operands"). There are a few different kind of operators, which are explained briefly below:

Within binary operators, there are also associativity. For example, a + b + c is parsed as (a + b) + c (left associativity), but a = b = c is parsed as a = (b = c) (right associativity). Unless explicitly stated, operators are assumed to be left-associative.

Operators in kscript also are divided into precedence levels. For example, a + b + c is parsed as (a + b) + c, but a + b * c is parsed as a + (b * c).

Here is a list of the operators in order of precedence (lowest first):

Here are the operators in order of precedence (lowest first) (you can see the syntax of kscript to see them as well):

=, &=, ^=, |=, <<=, >>=, +=, -=, *=, @=, /=, //=, %=, **=
All right associative assignment operators. The base assignment operator (=) assigns the right side to the left side.

Other operators take the left and right side, apply the operator before the = character, and then assign that to the left side.

The if/else operator (the ternary operator) is kind of special -- you write the expression as a if b else c (or a if b, with c defaulting to none). It is an inline version of the if statement
The ?? operator is the short-circuiting and exception-catching operator, which first evaluates the left-operand, and if it was successful, yields that value and short-circuits (does not evaluate the right-operand). Otherwise, if an Exception was thrown while executing it, then the right-operand is evaluated and used as the result. These can be chained. For example, x ?? y ?? z first evaluated x, and if an exception is encoutered, it is caught and then y is evaluated. If an exception is also thrown in y, then z is evaluated. If an exception is thrown in z, then it is not caught
The || operator is the short-circuiting inclusive-or operator, which first evaluates its left-operand, and if it is truthy (see bool), then it is used as the result. Otherwise, the right-operand is evaluated and its result is used
The && operator is the short-circuiting and operator, which first evaluates the left-operand, and if it is truthy (see bool), then its right-operand is evaluated and use as the result. Otherwise, the left-operand is used as the result
The comparison operator representing equality (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __eq attribute

The comparison operator representing inequality (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __ne attribute

The comparison operator representing less-than (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __lt attribute

The comparison operator representing less-than-or-equals (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __le attribute

The comparison operator representing greater-than (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __gt attribute

The comparison operator representing greater-than-or-equals (may be chained with other comparison operators to create a rich comparison).

May be defined via the __ge attribute

The contains operator representing whether the left-operand is an element in the right-operand

May be defined via the __contains attribute

The not-contains operator representing whether the left-operand is not an element in the right-operand

May be defined via the __contains attribute

The function call operator, which calls the right-operand with the left-operand as the only argument. Mainly used as syntactic sugar for type conversions.

For example, 2.5 as int is the same as int(2.5)

Represents a bitwise inclusive or of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __ior attribute.
Represents a bitwise exclusive xor of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __xor attribute.
Represents a bitwise and of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __and attribute.
Represents a left shift of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __lsh attribute
Represents a right shift of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __rsh attribute
Represents a addition of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __add attribute
Represents a subtraction of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __sub attribute
Represents a multiplication of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __mul attribute
Represents a matrix multiplication of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __matmul attribute
Represents a division of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __div attribute
Represents a floored division of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __floordiv attribute
Represents a modulo of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __mod attribute
Represents a power of the left-operand and right-operand. Can be overriden via the __pow attribute
Represents a conjugation of the operand. Can be overriden via the __sqig attribute
+ (unary)
Represents an identity operation of the operand. Can be overriden via the __pos attribute
- (unary)
Represents a negation of the operand. Can be overriden via the __pos attribute
Represents a negation of the truth value (bool) of the operand

4.3. Statements

These elements do not yield a value, and are typically used for control flow.

In contrast to most languages, Function Definitions and Type Definitions are expressions (in most languages, they are statements and do not yield a value). You can, of course, use them like a statement (i.e. not embedded in another expression), but you can also return them, or assign them locally.

4.3.1. Expression Statement

The expression statement is an expression, which has a line break after it, or, equivalently, a semicolon (;). You can write code without using semicolons (;), and it is recommended to not use them. For example, calling foo() and bar() can be done in a few ways:

# This is the best, it is clear and readable

# Don't do this, the ';' are unnecessary

# Don't do this, it's less readable
foo(); bar()

However, if there is some circumstance that makes it better to have multiple on the same line, you may have expression statements ended with ;. This is sometimes useful when creating one liners running with the interpreter, but in production code or code you are sharing with anyone else, you should just put them on seperate lines.

4.3.2. Assert Statement

The assert statement is an example of assertion syntax for the kscrip language. It instructs the program to evaluate a conditional expression, check whether it is truthy (see bool), and if it is not truthy, throws an AssertError up the call stack.

This is done to do "sanity checks" on things which should be a given value, and is encouraged for only internal code checking (i.e. don't check user input with assert, use if and then throw an Exception yourself). Here is the syntax:

# Evaluates `x` and asserts that it is true
assert x

4.3.3. Cont Statement

The cont statement prematurely terminates the innermost loop (which may be a while statement, or for statement) and retries the next iteration.

As a result, it must be placed within a while or for statement. For example:

# infinite loop
while true {
    # Stops executing now, and continues the loop
    # This code never runs
    x = 3

See also the Break Statement

4.3.4. Break Statement

The break statement prematurely terminates the innermost loop (which may be a while statement, or for statement) and then stops executing the loop

As a result, it must be placed within a while or for statement. For example:

# looks like an infinite loop, but is not since the `break` statement will terminate it
while true {
    # Stops executing now, and exits the loop
    # This code never runs
    x = 3

See also the Cont Statement

4.3.5. Ret Statement

The ret statement is an example of return syntax for the kscript language. It instructs the program to return a value (or none) from the current function, and stop executing in that function.

For example:

# Returns the value `a` and stops executing the current function
ret a

# Equivalent to `ret none`

4.3.6. Throw Statement

The throw statement is an example of exception handling syntax for the kscript language. It instructs the program to throw a value up the call stack, which searches through the current functions executing in the thread, until it finds a try statement. If it does find a try statement, then it is handled to rules according to that syntax. If there were no try statements that catch the exception, then the program is halted and the exception is printed (this is called an "unhandled exception").

For example:

# Throws the value `a` up the call stack
throw a

To see how it can work, look at this small example:

# Innocent enough looking function...
func foo(x) {
    # Some error condition
    if x == 0 {
        throw Exception("'x' should never be 0")

    # Do something else

# Fine
# Fine
# Uh-oh, this crashes and prints: Exception: 'x' should never be 0
# (and, at this point, the program stops)

# Now, wrap in a `try` statement
try {
} catch as err {
    # This works, and it prints what it caught ("I got: Exception")
    # It doesn't stop the program
    print ("I got:", type(err))

4.3.7. If Statement

The if statement is an example of a conditional statement, which evaluates a condition, and then based on the result (specifically, whether it was truthy or falsey), either runs another statement, or does not. An if statement has the following syntax:

if a {

Where a is an expression, and treated as the conditional. If a is truthy (see bool), then b is executed, which can be zero-or-more statements. After the closing }, there may be additional clauses.

Specifically, there is the elif clause:

if a {
} elif c {
} elif e {

c is only executed if a was not truthy. If c was truthy, then d is executed. Similarly, if c was not truthy, then e is evaluated, and if it is truthy then f is executed. You can stack as many elif clauses as you want.

There is also the else clause, which is given after the if and elif parts (it must be the last). The syntax is:

if a {
} elif c {
} elif e {
} else {

g is only executed if a, c, and e were all falsey.

Sometimes, it is advantageous or more consise to have an if statement without using the { and } surrounding the body. If the body only has a single statement, then you can use this syntax instead:

if a, b

Which is equivalent to:

if a {

As long as b is only a single statement.

It is always recommended to keep an inline if on a single line. For example, do not do the following:

if a,

This is confusing, because the indentation suggests there is another block, and if you had written:

if a,

Then a reader may think that b and c are both executed if a is true, but c is actually executed regardless!

4.3.8. While Statement

The while statement is an example of a conditional loop, which evaluates a condition, and then based on the result (specifically, whether it was truthy or falsey), either runs another statement and then retries the condition, or exits the loop. An while statement has the following syntax:

while a {

Which first evaluates a. If a is truthy (see bool), then the body, b, is executed (which is zero-or-more statements), and then this process is repeated, re-evaluating a and then re-executing b if it is truthy. If a is falsey, then the loop is exited.

Similar to an if statement, while statements allow for additional elif clauses and a final else clause. The elif and else clauses are only checked and executed if the conditional, a, was falsey on the first time through the loop. So, if a was truthy, and then falsey, then none of the elif or else clauses are checked.

Let's take an example:

while a {
} elif c {
} else {

When encountering the while, a is first evaluated. While it is truthy, b is executed, and a is rechecked, and b is executed again, until a is falsey. If a was never truthy (which means b is not executed at all), then c is evaluated. If c is truthy, then d is executed. Otherwise, if c is falsey, e is executed.

Sometimes, it is advantageous or more consise to have an while statement without using the { and } surrounding the body. If the body only has a single statement, then you can use this syntax instead:

while a, b

Which is equivalent to:

while a {

As long as b is only a single statement.

It is always recommended to keep an inline while on a single line. For example, do not do the following:

while a,

This is confusing, because the indentation suggests there is another block, and if you had written:

while a,

Then a reader may think that b and c are both executed if a is true, but c is actually executed regardless!

4.3.9. For Statement

The for statement is an iterator-based for loop, which is sometimes called a foreach loop. It iterates over elements of an iterable. Specifically, you can write a for loop like so:

for a in b {

Which first evaluates b, and treats it as an iterable (see iter()). It is iterated over via the next() function, until the iterable runs out. For each element, it is assigned to a (which must be an assignable expression), and then the body, c (which may be zero-or-more statements), is ran.

Similar to an if statement, for statements allow for additional elif clauses and a final else clause. The elif and else clauses are only checked and executed if the iterable, b, was empty on the first time through the loop. So, if b had any elements, and then runs out, then none of the elif or else clauses are checked.

Let's take an example:

for a in b {
} elif d {
} else {

When encountering the for, b is first evaluated and turned into an iterable via the iter() function. While there is another element (by calling the next() function), it is assigned to a (which should be an assignable expression). Then, the code block c is executed (which is expected to be zero-or-more statements). If it was empty (i.e. c was never ran, and a was never assigned to), then it goes through the elif clauses. In this case, it evaluates d and checks whether it was truthy. If it was, then e is executed. Otherwise, f is executed.

Sometimes, it is advantageous or more consise to have an for statement without using the { and } surrounding the body. If the body only has a single statement, then you can use this syntax instead:

for a in b, c

Which is equivalent to:

for a in b {

As long as b is only a single statement.

It is always recommended to keep an inline for on a single line. For example, do not do the following:

for a in b,

This is confusing, because the indentation suggests there is another block, and if you had written:

for a in b,

Then a reader may think that b and c are both executed if a is true, but c is actually executed regardless!

4.3.10. Try Statement

The try statement (also called try/catch statement) is the exception handling syntax for kscript. It allows exceptions thrown with the throw statement while executing the body of the try statement to be "caught", and then handled appropriately.

There are a few variations of the try statement. Specifically, the catch clauses may differ. All try statements begin with the format:

try {

Here, a is the "body" of the try statement. Then, like elif and else clauses in the if statement, there may be any number of catch clauses, and then, optionally, a finally clause as well. Also, like elif and else clauses in an if statement, only one body of the catch clause can be ran. It checks the catch clauses sequentially, and the first type specifier that is a match (or, if the type specifier was ommitted, any exception matches) it runs the corresponding block, and does not check subsequent catch clauses

Here are the variations of the catch clause:

try {
} catch NameError {
    # This is only selected if the exception thrown was a subtype of `NameError`
} catch NameError as err {
    # This is only ran if the exception thrown was a subtype of `NameError`, and captures
    #   the thrown object as the local name `err`
    print (err)
} catch (NameError, SizeError) as err {
    # This is only selected if the exception thrown was a subtype of `NameError` or `SizeError`, and
    #   captures the thrown object as the local name `err`
    # You can include however many elements in the tuple as you want, this will match an exception
    #   which is a subtype of any of the elements within the tuple
} catch {
    # This is selected for any thrown exception
} catch as err {
    # This is selected for any thrown exception, and captures the thrown object as the local name `err`

And, after all the catch clauses, there is also, optionally, a finally clause which is allowed:

try {
} catch {
} finally {

b is executed whether an exception was thrown, or handled, or not. It is always ran after a, and after a catch block (if one is ran at all). These are normally used to close resources which need to be closed whether the exception occurs or not. And, it allows the developer to put shared code here instead of in each catch clause.

Just to explain further:

4.3.11. Import Statement

To import a module (for example, one of the builtin modules), you can use the import statement. If there was an error finding or importing the module, an ImportError is thrown.

The statement begins with the import keyword, followed by a valid identifier.


# imports the 'os' module
import os

# imports the 'net' module
import net